GCN's Laser Cut Armour!


Sr Hunter
Hello everybody! Since I had so much success with my knees and jet pack, I decided to remake my armour and paint it in the correct ESB scheme . I went over to my CO's house this evening and we started burning some new armour, here are some pics. Once again, please forgive the crappy picture... a webcam is all I have now for usage of picture taking. These are all cut in 1/8" white sintra, and once again, all made using the wizardofflight templates.

If you would like laser cutting done, you might want to check locally, I "could" have armour made for others, but remember this is not my laser I'm using. If you check locally and supply your own material, expect to pay around $2.50 a minute to use a laser, since I know the owner of a laser and he is a 501st member, I only needed to supply material. I've also heard of other members attempting to get armour laser cut, but were charged a blasphemous price. $2.50 is the basic max of what is normally charged.








I added "the dent" to the knee.
Well a lot has happened to my armour since I posted last... It has been cleaned up, sanded, resanded, wetsanded, dented, moulded to fit me, and then primed it grey. Here are the latest pictures of the shoulder and chest armour. The cod and knees still require some parts, so they will be updated later :)







Eh, I'm making the armour because I want to go 100% ESB and the paint job on my armour is ROTJ. I also wanted to add the dents. But you will see this at C4! :D
I could not find anything to work for yellow, so I had to mix a few colours. It looks good... I named the colour, "Good Enough Yellow." A mix of sun yellow and aspen, they worked pretty well.


Hello everybody! Since I had so much success with my knees and jet pack, I decided to remake my armour and paint it in the correct ESB scheme . I went over to my CO's house this evening and we started burning some new armour, here are some pics. Once again, please forgive the ****** picture... a webcam is all I have now for usage of picture taking. These are all cut in 1/8" white sintra, and once again, all made using the wizardofflight templates.

If you would like laser cutting done, you might want to check locally, I "could" have armour made for others, but remember this is not my laser I'm using. If you check locally and supply your own material, expect to pay around $2.50 a minute to use a laser, since I know the owner of a laser and he is a 501st member, I only needed to supply material. I've also heard of other members attempting to get armour laser cut, but were charged a blasphemous price. $2.50 is the basic max of what is normally charged.








I added "the dent" to the knee.

i did a dxf-file for laser cutting from a pdf-drawing. next month i will cut it out. it realy does not cost much... about 35€ for the armor... but tell me, how do give the flat sheet the right form, that it fits as an armor has to do ?
best wishes from germany...dirk??
seeing as this thread is over 3 years old, i doubt you'll hear back from him. i don't think he comes 'round here very often.

there are a bunch of sticky threads with color suggestions available right at the top of the armor section. then there's the search, which will turn up even more.
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