Gauntlet Opinion(s) Needed

Eht Eno

Hey Guys. I'm really enjoying this site. Many of you have been a great help. I'm 9 for 10 on private messages. Ty all whom have responded.

Right now im working toawrads to my gauntlets. I'm thinking of making a complete custom set. I would like to keep some of the general ideas from the standard gauntlets. I would also like to make it look completely unique.

Everyday I'm getting better and better with sintra molding. So I'm thinking of making mine out of it(sintra).

What do u think I should do? Buy a set then put my touches on it or make my own?
If you want truly custom, make your own. You'll start with fewer preset design issues.

Here's an idea - instead of the wrist laser on the left gauntlet, how about a projectile launcher? Maybe like a palm sized disk or a concussion grenade launcher?

Jodo_Kast wrote:

If you want truly custom, make your own. You'll start with fewer preset design issues.

Here's an idea - instead of the wrist laser on the left gauntlet, how about a projectile launcher? Maybe like a palm sized disk or a concussion grenade launcher?

HEHE One of my many ideas. i was thinking something of a slug thrower. and instead of a flamethrower more like a gas.even maybe a grappling tool but on the inside of the wrist so as if it looks like i need it ot climb.
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