First, they sold me two LEDs, red is 1.7 volt, and the green was 2.1 volt. They also sold me a two battery pack. I was then told by ruffkintoy that AA batteries are 1.5, and I know simple math, and 1.7+2.1 equals more than 3 volts.
In the store, the guy opens the package to play with the things to see if he can get them to work with both LEDs on. First of all, he put the batteries in backwards, and I feel stupid for purchasing from this guy. He then strips some of the wire and tries to get them to work. I take them home and put together my little monster, and then it sets fire.
The next day, I go return my little burnt piece of crap and get a four batter back, the man at the counter said, "well if two didn't work, four should." I then go home, and fire it up, the LEDs didn't even power up all of the way, they got to a half way point and then shot themselves.