Well-Known Hunter
where can i find the 4 darts fot the jango gauntlets?
trooperkev wrote:
where can i find the 4 darts fot the jango gauntlets?
trooperkev wrote:
thanks FP. By the way...those new gauntlets are great. i look forward to getting them finished. i will have before and after pics of the helmet and gauntlets soon. just need to know where to host pics or what not.
trooperkev wrote:
hey seeker drop me a line if you can. i need to ask you a question or two.
trooperkev wrote:
it is acryl-green. spot filling putty made 3M. it is what auto body shops use. the bondo putty starts to shrink and crack this stuff doesnt. it is pretty easy to use.
Foxbatkllr wrote:
Most people use grey primer plus silver leaf rub n buff wax for the helmet, armor and gauntlets. No silver spray paint. Some people have used grey primer plus silver spray paint plus rub n buff. Obi-Sean Kenobi used this method with great results, however I used it on my first paint job with poor results. A few people have used just silver spray paint with no rub n buff. The majority of the best results that I have seen came with the grey primer plus rub n buff and nothing else method. I used that method on my second paint job with great success. As for the vest, most people use charcoal grey vinyl/pleather. Some use black, though that is inaccurate. I believe Turo took a black leather police jacket and had it made into a vest then weathered it so much that it became dark grey. He got great results with that method obviously. On my next vest I may buy some dark grey leather and have it made into a vest.