FP ROTJ Gauntlet Progress

Gator Fett

Well-Known Hunter
As most of you know by now, FP makes a killer set of armor. Well ... he also makes a fantastic fiberglass/vac/resin gauntlet kit.

Here are some starter pics of my next project. I will be posting some progress shots of the various steps of assembly, and will be including a few surprises along the way. ;)

Keep watching.


Spideyfett - I am here to help. :D

mandalore697 - PM FP for pricing and availability.

asok -
Use the search function. JK :lol: The push button switches on the left gauntlet flame thrower are from an offering here a few years ago. They were the closest to the real deal, that could be found at that time. I think they were from overseas. You can find a similar switch at Radio Shack. The toggle switchs are not accurate at all, but I will be using them to operate a few effects on my suit. I will post all the details as I get things working. The other items can be found in various threads and on TK409's site, ie. machined darts, RussRep missile, brass hose fittings, braided hose, UHF coax connector, etc.

I will post more details as I put the gauntlets together.

Bad news. The kids got a hold of my digital camera and deleted some of my progress pics. :angry I don't even know how to delete pics on the camera. But those tiny little hands hit some random buttons, and ... poof ... good-bye pics. I don't know if I should :lol: or :cry .

I will try to describe things as best I can. Some parts are already glued together so I can't get the same shots again, but most things will be seen in future pics. Back to the show.


I started by drilling and tapping the mounting holes in my RussRep Aluminum Missile. I do not want to glue on the missile, so I will screw it to the gauntlet shell. With the holes drilled in the missile, I transfered the hole locations to the gauntlet shell, and drilled the holes in the gauntlet. I then drilled the holes for the LED, LED toggle switch and the two flamethrower push buttons.

In order to install the two flamethrower push buttons and the flamethrower nozzles (ie. UHF coax connector), I cut two access holes on the inside of the flamethrower box. I then cut two pieces of scrap sintra and sanded them to size, so that they would fit in the open end of the flamethrower box and further in the box right about at my access hole opening. I then drilled two 1/2" holes through both piecs of sintra, to hold the UHF connector tubes.

More to come tomorrow.


Here is where some of those missing pictures would have paid off. :angry As consolation ... this is my first surprise. :)

To make the flamethrower nozzles, I used the UHF coax connectors that TK-409 lists on his site. The center of the connector, the part with the pin, unscrews from the outside body of the connector. What I did was cut off the pin part of the center, with my Dremel cut off wheel, leaving the threaded part of the center piece. Within the center of the center piece I installed a 3V Laser Module, and then epoxied the center threaded piece to the coax body.

The next step was to cut the 1/2" dia. aluminum tube to the correct lenght and hot glue the Laser/coax connector to the end of the tube. The wires of the Laser Module get pulled through the tube and eventually connected to the switches and a battery pack.

The first shot is of the UHF coax connector, the installed Laser Modules, and the aluminum tube. The second pic shows how the back end of the tubes are supported inside the flamthrower housing.



I got the upper half of the left gauntlet assembled. I epoxied the flamethrower box to the outside of the gauntlet shell. I then filled in the gaps with bondo, and sanded the piece smooth. Now I am ready to attach the lower half of the gauntlet.




that kit is awesome!!! I really like that rectangular curves and stuff wich my vac formed kit doesn't have.
This batch of pics wraps up my prep work on the left gauntlet.

I attached the bottom shell of the gauntlet using a scrap piece of styrene epoxied over the top and bottom shells' edge on the outside of the gauntlet. I then epoxied another scrap piece on the inside edge of the top shell, and will use velcro to close the gauntlet on the inside. I needed the extra piece on the inside to increase the size of the opening around my forearm. Not every one will need to do this. I believe most people just velcro the top and bottom shells together on the inside, with out this extra piece of styrene. Once the epoxy dried I gave the gauntlet a final sanding and a couple coats of Rustoleum Auto Primer.

Now ... on to the right gauntlet. I plan on painting both the left and right gauntlets at the same time.




Using a modified version of batninja's tutorial from this thread:
I started by putting together my brass hose connectors. Thanks, batninja. Rather than the wood dowel, I chose to use an aluminum rod from home depot. I followed the other tips, using the electrical tape and two part epoxy to glue every thing together.

I drilled the holes in my gauntlet shell for the four metal darts and two toggle switches. I attached the "bic lighter" piece above the darts, and assembled the whip cord housings. Next step is to attach the lower shell.





I attached the bottom shell to the top shell using the same method I used on the left gauntlet. I epoxied a scrap piece of styrene on the interior of the outside edge, overlaping the top and bottom shells. I then filled in and smoothed out the seam with bondo on the outside. I then epoxied the upper and lower whipcord housings, over the bondo'ed seam of the two shells.

Now time for primer and painting. I plan on using the masking tecnique for painting the gauntlets, and since that method is well documented in other threads, I won't have a progress update until it's time for final assembly.



Looking very good as always. I like how you keep everything very clean and organized, working out all your electronics beforehand rather than hacking it up after like me!

I find it interesting that you Bondo'd that side seam, just a personal preference thing?
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