Flak Vest Tutorial. Draft your own pattern.

Has anyone used real leather for their flak vest? I found a place that'll sell me a side of soft leather for $25/7-10 sqft.

How did leather work out for you? I've been contemplating that myself, as I am working on a set of steel armor plates, and leather would look awesome, and be nice and strong : )

i try to make the Vest. My question is. When i take 1/4 from the length measurement is ist not too short? Or misunderstood the step?


This is an awesome tutorial.However I am unsure of what the following highlighted items mean.Can someone please decode this?

3 ½ inches to the left, and ½ inch up from C, mark K.

2 ½ inches down from C, mark M.

Note: I usually find it helpful to bring the curve to within ½ inch of M on line L-M, so that the neckline is squared off at the fold.

To the left of D, measure one quarter of the total waist measurement, plus ¼ inch, and mark Q.

Draw a horizontal line ½ above A-E.

To the right of B, measure one quarter of the total waist measurement, minus ¼ inch. Mark EE.

Thanks, Daren

This is an awesome tutorial.However I am unsure of what the following highlighted items mean.Can someone please decode this?

3 ½ inches to the left, and ½ inch up from C, mark K.
2 ½ inches down from C, mark M.
Note: I usually find it helpful to bring the curve to within ½ inch of M on line L-M, so that the neckline is squared off at the fold.
To the left of D, measure one quarter of the total waist measurement, plus ¼ inch, and mark Q.
Draw a horizontal line ½ above A-E.
To the right of B, measure one quarter of the total waist measurement, minus ¼ inch. Mark EE.
Thanks, Daren

These instructions reference the image of the pattern on graph paper from the first post.

I'm working on this now and have some clarifying comments:

The front and back width measurements are taken from where your arms connect on the front and back of your body. Imagine measuring while wearing a t-shirt and measuring from arm sleeve front seam to arm sleeve front seam. Not under your arm at nipple level, or in the armpit. For some reason this gave me trouble as on my body my nipples are below my armpits, so I got confused about where to measure. If your "P" point is to the left of your "N" point then you're measuring incorrectly like I initially did.

Also, the first post has some ACII code in place of fractions:
&#188 means 1/4
&#189 means 1/2

Hope this helps others with their flak vest projects.
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Have you tried going in to Joann's, Their website is horrible to search.
I have usually been able to find it when I go in.
I've never seen tackle twill at joann's. the only place that i know of to reliably get it is online from webster fabric, but they have a 25 yard minimum, if i remember correctly.
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