First armor build


Well-Known Hunter
Ok, I bought some sintra made armor. I got it cheap but it needs a little work. First thing, the pieces seemed a little big and not shaped quite right. I found Wizardoflight's templetes for armor pieces. I plan on using them to trim up my pieces to get the right shape. Has anyone else used these templetes to create their armor, I would love to see pics. I trust his templetes and they look pretty good on paper. Next I will need to shape them to my body a little. I don't really have a big boiling pot, so I was thinking of using a heat gun or setting them on top of my kerosene heater(set on the cage part) to heat them up and bend to shape. Anyone try anything like that? I will also need to add the battle damage. Scrapes are easy enough with the dremel, but what about the blast craters? Thanks
Here are a couple of tips...use a Very Well ventilated area! I know I was told to do this too but I ended up with a sore throat, which I though was a cold but It is really the chemicals that are released when the Sintra is heated..... even when I boiled the pieces for only 10 seconds (I think it's worse with the heat gun). Even the dust from sanding the Sintra can be harmful if you don't wear a mask..... Also the heat gun is much more intence than boiling so watch you don't deform you pieces. To mold them to my shape, I wore a thick sweatshirt and oven mits, boiled the piece then pressed it agaisnt my chest....Battle damage was easy, I used a Bar-B-Q lighter and a screw driver, the craters I made with the round end of the handle...turned out really accurate. (Again even with the Bar-B-Q lighter, you want to do this outside). Be careful....
As for really depends on you body size so it doesn't really matter who's you use....they may have to be adjusted anyway. Just make sure they fit you proportions..

mrgr8ness said:
Ok, I bought some sintra made armor. I got it cheap but it needs a little work. First thing, the pieces seemed a little big and not shaped quite right. I found Wizardoflight's templetes for armor pieces. I plan on using them to trim up my pieces to get the right shape. Has anyone else used these templetes to create their armor, I would love to see pics. I trust his templetes and they look pretty good on paper. Next I will need to shape them to my body a little. I don't really have a big boiling pot, so I was thinking of using a heat gun or setting them on top of my kerosene heater(set on the cage part) to heat them up and bend to shape. Anyone try anything like that? I will also need to add the battle damage. Scrapes are easy enough with the dremel, but what about the blast craters? Thanks
I used the small polishing wheel on the dremmel to make the blast dents. Dont press to hard or you'll go right through.

RoTJ Fett Ver1.0

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