finaly starting my armour


Active Hunter
i finaly started my armour today...ive been coming on here and checking out the mandos on here for some i though...i dont really want to wait any longer...i got my buy'ce coming tomoro and im going for trash can armour...(im pretty cheap lol) my custom mando is going to be called Brisk arpor...he is an expert sniper who specialises in threat interdiction (assasinations) and he will be slightly different to most main stream mandos...for instance...his flight suit doesnt have he can show off his arms lol...and the armour is going to be double layered with mesh in the between the peices so the battle damage i will be adding to it will look like it has gone so deep the armours secondary systems are exposed...and his leg armour will have to be triple layerd..because i am doing leg armour similar to the mando groom picture (his leg armour is like jangos...but parts of it is double looks amazing) the armour and bucket will be red and it will have a cream kama with a red outline, for weapons he is going to have a farscape peacekeepers pistol seen below:-


and im not sure for other small arms and the obvious sniper rifle
for his background he was the youngest cuy'val'dar who was hired by jango to train clone troops...he was saved by jango some time after the battle of gallidran...and raised by a mando who served on a mercenary ship...he was a expert sniper by the age of 18...and has killed everything from privates and battle droids, to generals and planetary governers...up close...and from a distance.
anyhow...for now thats me done...i'll keep you guys posted
That's the only problem? How about that the suit is designed to protect you inside of your ship in the case of depressurizations, hlep keep you warm in the icyness of space and on a cold desert night or a warm summer day on Hoth?

I do look forward to seeing how it turns out though.
That's the only problem? How about that the suit is designed to protect you inside of your ship in the case of depressurizations, hlep keep you warm in the icyness of space and on a cold desert night or a warm summer day on Hoth?

I do look forward to seeing how it turns out though.

Well I guess when I see you at a convention I have to ask how all your gear works, and why you have it eh?
:( but anyways the guy from the movie reminded me of an example of a soldier without sleeves, i dont really know much about those kind a guns
The sleeveless could work and I think it would look pretty cool if pulled off. Montross wore short sleeves so its not that big of a deal.

I was going to say that the term SAW as his role in the squad but not his weapon.
I think sleeveless could work out well if the armor is very attractive. I'd say for a ground based warrior who's probably spending a lot of time in a tropical/hot climate, it's very doable.
if hes a desert ops guy i think the sleeveless armour would be cool but maybe some forearm wraps like the sand people and elbow pads or somthin
im going to go with gauntlets i buckets readin triple zero the republic commando novel atm and one thing i noticed is that most of the clone trropers listen to music inside their it got me thinking...ive looked at my buckets inside and it has room to fit a headphone system inside...and one of the sides (the one without the range finder) can be fitted with an mp3 player(removable) i could practically have a massive pair of mando headphones lol...just an idea im kicking seems doable anyway...still not sure of a rifle though might just convert a longshot to look more sniper and less combat rifle...any thoughts?
ok so update...iver given up on my bucket...its really badly warped and is really bad (not my fault......really lol) but i have found a costume store down the street from my college that stocks rubies i got a rubies jango on the way...hopefully 2 armour is on stand still atm (moving house) and as soon as im setled the armour will begin in definatly going trash can (moving house...cant afford anything better lol) but i am qwuite handy with a dremel and a craft knife...i think i can pull it off........i hope...any advice or tips for when going trash can would be greatly apreciated
any advice or tips for when going trash can would be greatly apreciated

Absolutely no glue I know of sticks to these sterilite trashcans.

I used:

Super-Glue (Cyanoacrylate)
Gorilla Glue
Elmer's Ultimate Glue (about the same as GG above)
High Temp Hot glue
E6000 (I think that was the name of it)
and MULTIPLE different epoxies

Some stick a little, but eventually work their way loose. Usually if the plastic is flexed in the least little bit, the glues just "pop" free.

I guess since they are trashcans the plastic is designed to be as stick proof as possible.

So if your design calls for anything that is attached directly to the armor, you may want to figure out a way to bolt it on!:lol:

Or better yet vist a local sign shop and get a piece of Sintra.
you might have a point much is a piece of sintra usually? (i really have to watch how much i spend on this project...the girlfriend isnt too thrilled ive taken up costuming...and we just moved in i need to keep this to a minimum...what is sintra btw?..i see it mentioned here all the time...but still have no clue what it is?
you might have a point much is a piece of sintra usually? (i really have to watch how much i spend on this project...the girlfriend isnt too thrilled ive taken up costuming...and we just moved in i need to keep this to a minimum...what is sintra btw?..i see it mentioned here all the time...but still have no clue what it is?

Sintra is an expanded PVC sheet plastic. It forms extremely well when heated, formed, then cooled. You can do this with a heat gun, dipping in or holding over boiling water, or if you have the patience a hairdryer. Then hold it under cold tap water or dunk it in a cooler with ice water.

The only thing to be careful about is that it produces some nasty fumes when heated. just do it in a well ventilated area and use a dust mask and you'll be okay.

Last time I bought some it was $39 for a 4'x6'(or 4'x8' I can't remember now) 1/8th" thick, but it can be found cheaper.

If you have a plastics supplier corp. close to you you may be able to find it relatively cheap. I could have bought two sheets of the same size at GE Polymershapes in Lexington, KY for only $25 a sheet, but I just didn't need that much and they had a minimum of two sheets.

Just call different sign shops in your area and get prices. Some will sell it some won't, but some of them may even tell you where they get it from and lead you to a cheap source. Good Luck!
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