(Finally) Starting


New Hunter
Hello everyone:
I have been lurking on TDH for a while now, procrastinating on building a BF suit. I was at CV and TDH booth was one of my first stops. I was impressed! I spoke with several of you, including the Mandalorian Mercs, about the whole process. Unfortunately, I was not able to get details on helmet purchasing, so I'm looking for advice.

The trouble I am having is finding someone, anyone, who sells a blank helmet at a reasonable price (I'm thinking between $100 and $300). I can probably build the rest of the suit (except jetpack maybe), and I would very much like to start on the helmet.

Can anyone point me to a trusted seller with quality? I am not interesting in anything that is other than accurate.

I'm sure the answer might be in the forums, but I can't seem to locate buying info. Lots of debate on the helmets, but a general reluctance to link to purchasing options.

Great community guys. I like that (most) everyone is polite and patient-- especially with us newbies.
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