fiber glass and clear coating ABS??


Active Hunter
Help on fiber glass and clear coating ABS??

Hey guys I'm getting a Scout Helmet Kit and wondering if its ok to use Fiber Glass and Clear coating with the ABS Plastic? Is there a chance for warping with the fiber glass or plastic chemical reaction with the clear coating?
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Hey guys I'm getting a Scout Helmet Kit and wondering if its ok to use Fiber Glass and Clear coating with the ABS Plastic? Is there a chance for warping with the fiber glass or plastic chemical reaction with the clear coating?

The activator causes heat when mixed with the resin as it cures, yes be careful. If you mix it at the correct ratio it should'ent be a problem, if you put too much activator it causes more heat because it cures faster, not enough and it stays tacky. The key is to mix it EXACTLY as the directions say and you should be OK.
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The activator causes heat when mixed with the resin as it cures, yes be careful. If you mix it at the correct ratio it should'ent be a problem, if you put too much activator it causes more heat because it cures faster, not enough and it stays tacky. The key is to mix it EXACTLY as the directions say and you should be OK.

Finally a response.Thanks Pennywise, I'll watch my ratios when I use the fiber glass.
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ABS takes paint very well. I don't expect that you'll end up warping it due to that.

I don't see how you can risk warping due to fiberglassing either unless you deform the helmet while the fiberglass is setting. Even if you use too much activator you only risk having a short pot life, not a deformed helmet.
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