ESB greeble questionable


Active Hunter
hey you guy know about that V8 engive part on the EE-3 right. well this has always bothered me so i thought id bring it up. I think there may have been some slight changes to the ESB suit inbetween the promotional pics & the screen used fett. not big things but slight things ill note the differences i see. #1 the end of the barrle of the ESB ee-3 is weatherd in the promo pics & yet its clean as a whistle in the screen used one. #2 we clearly see the V8 greeble in the promo pics but i cant find it in the screen used gun. here are the two best pics i got that show its not there. or atleast its not on the right side of the rifle.
i make this wild claim because i do not see the greebles end overlaping that corner on the chamber for the flair. here is a promo pic where you can see where the end of the greeble is overlaping that edge. to me eather they trimed the greeble down to the larger boltlike area or they removed it. also plz take a look at the amo belt pouched in this pic. they deffinetly are not brown. they look to be a greyish white.
i thought it may be lighting but nothing else id discolored & the belts in the shade.

these are the only slight differences i could find besides the questionable things on the scope mounts. there are little protruding black things sticking out of the back of each mount. idunno if thats lighting of not. it just looks weird. i sorta like the ESB blaster w/o that greeble. it looks more shotgun like. mabie they thought the same.
so you experts out there plz tell me what you think
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You're partly right.

The lever is missing during the Carbon Freezing Chamber scenes yet present in the Cloud City hallway. Part #107 (round piece under lever) is still present in all pics.
ALL of those pics are screen used Fett though.
On set promo pics (which all of those are) are shot during filming since they don't leave the sets up for long. The lever simply broke off during filming.
The Star Destroyer and Cloud City halls were up about the same time so I would guess it came off somewhere during filming those scenes (screen caps would have to be checked to be certain). Carbon Freezing Chamber was shot later.

Its not hard to see why the lever broke off since that's the most fragile part of the gun. There's not much surface area to glue between those pieces and the lever sticks out.

As for the barrel weathering I think that really depends on the lighting. The chrome can wash out the weathering under harsh studio lighting.

The belt is the same (brown). That's definitely a lighting issue. Everything is greyed out in that hallway scene (look at the reds).

This does bring up a related issue for me too. The only reference we have for the left side of the ESB blaster stock is from the Carbon Freezing Chamber scenes. We can see there are only 3 split plugs on the stock - 2 on right, 1 on left. With this being a later scene and at least one other part broke off... could there have originally been 2 split plugs on the left side?
They are spaced like there should have been another.
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lonepigeon said:
You're partly right.

This does bring up a related issue for me too. The only reference we have for the left side of the ESB blaster stock is from the Carbon Freezing Chamber scenes. We can see there are only 3 split plugs on the stock - 2 on right, 1 on left. With this being a later scene and at least one other part broke off... could there have originally been 2 split plugs on the left side?
They are spaced like there should have been another.

I wondered this too Chris. The only reason I think there were ever 3 is the protrusion of the stock bracket into the wooden stock at the position where the "4th" split plug could've gone.

The spacing is a bit off from side to side and doesn't quite line up due in part to what I believe is because of the stock bracket protrusion.

I posted a pic of the screen used one and a pic of my replica....the spacing is what gives me the idea that there never was a 4th plug. Although I must admit that I have a fourth one as a "backup" just in case new discoveries are made ;)


esb17 (2).jpg

img_0094 (2).jpg

img_0099 (2).jpg
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I intend to do mine the same way and keep a fourth as backup.

The question in my mind is: Did they leave the 4th one off because of the stock bracket? or did the 4th one break off because it didn't stick well to the stock bracket? The plastic on the split plugs is kind of oily (so they're flexible) and the backs of the plugs curve out at the ends which reduces the surface area for glue. I think it's quite likely that a plug would not adhere well to the blued steel bracket.

I know that currently the real Fett ESB blaster prop has no split plugs remaining, but I have not had any luck getting pics from it's current owner to see if there are glue marks from a 4th split plug.
lonepigeon said:
I intend to do mine the same way and keep a fourth as backup.

The question in my mind is: Did they leave the 4th one off because of the stock bracket? or did the 4th one break off because it didn't stick well to the stock bracket? The plastic on the split plugs is kind of oily (so they're flexible) and the backs of the plugs curve out at the ends which reduces the surface area for glue. I think it's quite likely that a plug would not adhere well to the blued steel bracket.

I know that currently the real Fett ESB blaster prop has no split plugs remaining, but I have not had any luck getting pics from it's current owner to see if there are glue marks from a 4th split plug.
who own the ESB blaster as this time?:confused
lonepigeon said:
I think it's quite likely that a plug would not adhere well to the blued steel bracket.

This is so true....I had to use 3M "5lb" mounting tape (the gray kind) used for mounting car emblems to the exterior of cars so as to insure a good adhesion on my own ESB EE-3.

It's only been about 4-5 month's since I finished my EE-3,but they're on there as though they had been screwed on. I highly recommend the stuff.:thumbsup:


PS...I've got your ESB Electrobinoculars up to bat next after I finish my Sandy & Trooper helmets:thumbsup: I can't wait to get onto them,but making a "character" Trooper/Sandy is alot harder than I thought and alot more time consuming.
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