ESB fans rejoice


Active Hunter
Wow I am amazed at how this came out. Straight out of the mold it is ready to paint.

This is the first one. I still have to do the butt stock but it is already built up and just needs to be cast.

again this will be a 3 piece kit like the ROTJ version. I will do the first run of 5 soon.



still working out how to get a good paint job on the barrel.
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I'll be offering either the ROTJ or the ESB versions again at $225 each shipped in US & Canada $245 shipped anywhere else. Add $50 for a finished and weathered version.

Most everything is original except the scope rings. The were fabricated from a strip of aluminum that I picked up from Home Depot and bent into shape. Then cut the parts and glued to the inside and smoothed everything out.

It is made with products from A combination of Smoothcast ROTO, and UreFil 3.

These are mixed up at 3 parts resin to 1 part Urefil and rotocasted in my rotocast machine. They are lightweight because the are hollow. The Smoothcast ROTO is very strong and slightly flexable, the UreFil 3 ads a bit of ridgity to the smoothcast ROTO and makes it rotocast clearner.

In the close up picture of the V8 Piston rod you can see the Urefil as the white specs. This only shows up because of the flash of the camera and the fact that it is a reflective silicate based powder. You cant see it normally.
I was thinking it would be even better to cast the Webley alone (without the greeblies or scope mount assemblies). That way the greeblies look more realistic when you put them on vice being part of the prop itself. Just one opinion...
I've carried one around that had them glued on and got tired of them breaking and falling off. This actually looks better and you can't tell they aren't separate pieces, and they will not break off without some serious force.

I am waiting on a resin shipment and will start a list once it has arrived. I will be putting one each ESB & ROTJ on ebay probably tomorrow that are made from the last of my current resin.

Keep an eye out.

It is made with products from A combination of Smoothcast ROTO, and UreFil 3.

These are mixed up at 3 parts resin to 1 part Urefil and rotocasted in my rotocast machine. They are lightweight because the are hollow. The Smoothcast ROTO is very strong and slightly flexable, the UreFil 3 ads a bit of ridgity to the smoothcast ROTO and makes it rotocast clearner.

In the close up picture of the V8 Piston rod you can see the Urefil as the white specs. This only shows up because of the flash of the camera and the fact that it is a reflective silicate based powder. You cant see it normally.

I believe its Resin...
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