Oh, I see now. I forgot about the DVD release. I got an email about my boots from caboot stating I wouldnt see them untill October 3.
Anyways, My friend had this same problem for the release of episode 2 He had 0 idea what to use for boots and here was his remedy
His Boba Fett boots started from a neoprene sock from the hunting section of Wal-Mart He first cut the sides out and sewed in elastic. Then He bought a cheap pair of shoes cut the top off and glued the sock directly into the soul with goop. Making sure it was in strait and all. When it dried he painted the shoes with flexible fabric paint for plastics found in the arts and craft section. Even did the two tones (all but the elastic part, he just left that black.
The fabric paint made them pretty rigid because He had to paint them thick to cover over the black and the pattern sort of looked like canvas. He finally added the lines with black silicon in the little tube found in the plumbing section.
Then He found a metal ruler and cut and bent it for the front part. Then he shapened dowels and cut them at a slant and glued them on each side, and weathered it up a bit.
Total cost was around $20
Socks $8
Shoes $2
Paint $2
Brushes? $1
Silicon $2
Goop $2
Elastic $1
Ruler & Dowel $2
Cant tell there socks at all and i think they look pretty good. OF course Caboots looks 100% better but this will do fine. I think It took him a few days to build them.