ebay ripoff jet pack

uscm buzz

ebay ripoff jetpack

Hey Guys.. I recently purchased a Fodder Fett Jet Pack.. Fodder meaning Cannon Fodder .. I understood by reading the auction it was a fixer upper and dont have a problem with that.. I selected his other auctions and found a missile for it.. and purchased that also..

upon recieving the item.. I noticed the shipping was $19.24 I paid $40 shipping.. I open the box and its the pack and the missile is broken into 3 pieces.. No packing material whatsoever..perhaps the other $20 was supposed to pay for handling.. but there wasnt any...?.. and to beat all the Missile is not round its horribly warped and oblong..beside being broken.. the missile auction didnt say fixer up..he also said he would toss in the jet pack nozzles for the ejgines and they were not in the box..

I really aint worried too much about the jet pack as I knew that was a fixer upper..but the extra shipping and the missile I deffeinitly want corrected..

So what I would like to know is by ebay rules.. am I stuck with this stuff.. I mean isnt there a review period or something..... I intend to contact the seller but I assume i will get the runaround..

I paid through paypal.. and I have heard about them seizing funds for refunds per investigation or something.. ..I too sell on ebay.. and 1st of all I hate overprice shipping..thats just being a thief..anyway.. any help is appreciated..

I have heard of oblong missiles from GA but didnt realize I would ever get one.. Thanks guys..
If I was you id contact him first, yeah you might get the run around but then again he might help you out. Id give it about a month with a run around and then BLAST him on ebay. But save all your emails and write down dates and times so you can turn him into Ebay. As for Pay Pal I dont know but get ahold of them ASAP and give them the story, as im sure you already knew this. Hope things work out for you..
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I'd definitely contact him first via email. Be polite, not boligerent. In that email ask for your money back or a replacement. (it sounds like the item sucks to begin with so I'd go for the refund) Send pictures of the item, in the box it arrived in, showing the state of things. Save a copy of that email and definitely save the item and packing if you haven't thrown it away already. Do not try to fix it or anything- leave it as is. Resend the email the next day if you get no response. Save that one too.

You may be surprised and be able to resolve this with a couple of emails. I had a similar problem with an item that arrived semi-crushed. The seller was really cool and replaced it for me because he happened to have another. If the seller has a good ebay rating he'll likely want to keep it that way.

If things don't go that well (give him a day or so to respond) and you have determined that the seller isn't going to make things right one way or another, post your bad feedback for the seller on ebay, and begin the process of filling your claim through ebay or paypal. If all else fails, THEN trash the dude. ;)

Good luck!
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Gentlemen I have considered your posts.. and as far as the jet pack goes.. I did know it was listed "as is".. I dont have a prob with that.. the missile was not.. I found out listed on his website for $90 I paid buy it now $50 so I assume it was also a fixer upper that wasnt listed that way.... the shipping is upsetting..If a little bit a packing would have been used the missile would not have broke.. so that is why its aggrabating.. I intend to email him nicely and ask what the deal is.. I also want to know if the othre meets the quality jet packs are better.. He has a jango currently on for $250 shipped.. Sheesh.. I paid $245 for garbage.. and now that auction shows up.. .. arrrgggh.. anyway.. I will see what we can do... its a challenge.. thanks for letting me vent.. I am better now.. it aint right but better..
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If he says "your on your own" id tell him that im going to post your ebay name all over the star wars boards. Looks to me that what he sells is mostly star wars stuff and someone else here has had a problem with this guy. Burn him, now I dont know if you can post his name all over BUT it might get him to rethink whats going on. Also you would be providing a public service in my mind. Ive almost bought stuff off this guy as well. Now I wont go near his stuff.
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Well you can sure give a report on an item and give its detail and such and advise people not to buy His items, being there inaccurate, poor contruction etc.

There are to many bad prop sellers out there and they shame the good ones. If enough info is out on the people that sell decent props they will get more bussiness and thrive and get a bigger name and you wont have to worry about getting crap.

I know what is what happened to me before I found this place I had sintra armor from Ebay sellers and whatnot, but I have just about bought everything all over agian because when I seen peoples work here it was cheaper, better made and the people selling it will make it right if something goes wrong.
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cal196 said:
Well you can sure give a report on an item and give its detail and such and advise people not to buy His items, being there inaccurate, poor contruction etc.

There are to many bad prop sellers out there and they shame the good ones. If enough info is out on the people that sell decent props they will get more bussiness and thrive and get a bigger name and you wont have to worry about getting crap.

I know what is what happened to me before I found this place I had sintra armor from Ebay sellers and whatnot, but I have just about bought everything all over agian because when I seen peoples work here it was cheaper, better made and the people selling it will make it right if something goes wrong.

And thats why I will buy from someone on here before I buy from someone I dont know.

uscm buzz it may not be such a bad idea to link his feedback to this thread. If you can put a quick comment like CRAP, and then this threads web address. But I dont know if the admin here would allow that. Just an idea, I hate to see stuff like this. I know when I mess up like this I always return the money and send them another if I have one on hand.
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