Dressing the Galaxy Book


Active Hunter
Just received my "Big" book! All I can say is wow!!! Quite hefty and lots of little goodies stuck in all over the place.

Bad News: No Zam material :( :cry

Consolation Prize: Good pics of the fabric that look to be pretty color accurate. There is also a closeup of the veil material. And more information on the costume:

"...is composed of a wide variety of materials: the individually hand-painted heavy leather shapes of the skirt, chosen mainly for their qualities in motion but also because it moved more silently ... molded Flexicast that was used to hold the curve of the front tubes; metal powders were incorporated into flexible polyurethane making small pouches; the fine leather covering the polyster resin of the arm protectors; Neoprene fabric for the body suit; a chamois suede face veil with red silk forming the lining; the lead beads handing from a trapuntoed belt with rubber accessories and boots ... "

So all in all, I think the Zammers (DCB, ZIA and MonCal especially) did a fantastic job on figuring out what everything was and making it look right! :thumbsup:
Yeah... I wondered that myself! :rolleyes

Greeblies? Something in the vest we can't see? I dunno... But that's what it says!
Me too!!! I read it to Kathy. What the heck are they talking about??? They just needed to add some words so they could say something ;) Maybe it was something they left off the costume. Too bad cause it would've been nice to have some screen accurate pouches to keep money and glue in ;)

BTW, the neoprene color looks perfect! Good job DCB and ZamIam :)
Moncal, you got your book already? I haven't-apparently Overstock.com pushed our order back into November sometime!
MonCal said:
BTW, the neoprene color looks perfect! Good job DCB and ZamIam :)

Compared to the swatches (photos) they have - it does look perfect. Compared to the FIDM model though... erm... not so much. The Zam suit looked much grayer and duller. More mauve than lilac or lavender. The vest looked much more washed out - the white showed through a lot more than it does in the pics in the book.

Which is why I think we're looking at two different costumes.... and which leaves us with no "right" answer on the color of the suit. :(
Well, that's no help :facepalm So you're saying seeing it in person didn't make it any easier? :)

The pics in the book look almost perfect. You're right though, probably not the same costume.
MonCal said:
So you're saying seeing it in person didn't make it any easier? :)

Well... let's put it this way. I think ZIA needed some tissues when she saw the difference in the colors on her Zam compared to the FIDM Zam. :(

The FIDM bodysuit is definately grayer, more subdued than the fabric color we have. The vest is barely purple/lavender at all! I think what surprised me the most was how dirty everything was on the model! They definately weathered and dirtied it up!

I do want to say that I'm happy with the color we came up with overall. I don't think it really matters that it doesn't match the FIDM Zam because it matches so closely with the Zam colors in the book! We always knew there were the two versions.... and I've been aiming for something inbetween the two color versions.
I'm no authority on the specs of Zam's costume, but I have seen a few of you with your Zam and I say kudos. It's very odd how deceptive photos can be. I've been upgrading my Jango since day one. :lol:
Bad Jango!!! Hi, and welcome to the Zam forum! Does this mean your lovely wife is considering joining us?

And speaking of upgrades, wait til you see mine.... Ficker and I have been busy.

Hey Julie. Yes my wife will be joining us in the near future but not as Zam.
We had kicked the idea of Zam around but after discussing it she wants to do something a little more simple her first go around.
She's condsidering one of Sebulba's slave girls for her first costume and then a custom mando. Take care Julie.
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