Dragon Con 2024


Well-Known Hunter
Hello Folks! And Thanks TDH for acknowledgement on the 20 year anniversary with this amazing forum! I owe great gratitude to the people here! It's been years since I posted anything. I want to say hello to old and new friends here.

My Question:

Will there be anyone from TDH at Dragon Con? Will there be a get together of any kind?

Also. Just to let you know How out of the Star Wars loop I am . . . I have been trying to get in touch with Chris Bartlett . . . I never knew her became such a huge star.
I wanted to reach out about constructing a C3PO.

I forgot his handle here.

Once again. It's good to be back! I use to spend hours on this forum! Very addicting it was (The good old days)
Also. Just to let you know How out of the Star Wars loop I am . . . I have been trying to get in touch with Chris Bartlett . . . I never knew her became such a huge star.
I wanted to reach out about constructing a C3PO.

I forgot his handle here.

I thought Chris' handle was TK409, but it doesn't seem to be listed here anymore, so maybe I'm wrong or it was deleted or changed. But his website is still up. TK409.com Do-It-Yourself Star Wars Props - C3po Costume C3p0 C-3po See-Threepio Prop Statue Kit armor Gonk Power droid
I know it's late, but I was there Wednesday through yesterday and spent quite a lot of time roaming in my ESB Fett along with my good friend in his Bossk. Wish I had checked in on the forums, would have been fun to bump into some folks from here!


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