
Well-Known Hunter
Here it is. My first attempt at painting a Jet Pack. A special thanks goes out to DreadPirateRoberts for supplying me with a canvas on which to work. This has been the most enjoyable paint job I have done in a long time. So, without further adieu...the Jet Pack.



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Show off:eek:

Looks great,,, now I have to go redo my JP. Kind of sounds like when you painted my helmet.:)
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Damn you people with under 1,000 posts and your amazing work! You shame all us veterans with your expertise!!!! :lol: :lol:

That is gorgeous work! Well done!
Hmm. . . after closely reading the forum rules, a member is not allowed to keep the first jet pack they have painted. Shame really, as that's AMAZING looking!!!
Just package it up and send it to me, and this whole breach of the rules can be forgotten. . . quick, while noone's looking! :lol:
superjedi said:
Hmm. . . after closely reading the forum rules, a member is not allowed to keep the first jet pack they have painted. Shame really, as that's AMAZING looking!!!
Just package it up and send it to me, and this whole breach of the rules can be forgotten. . . quick, while noone's looking! :lol:

Yeah, that seldom read rule does catch quite a few members. I do apologize, SuperJedi, as this one is already boxed up and ready to be shipped to DreadPirateRoberts. (sigh) It was never mine to begin with.:(

And thanks for all the kind words, guys. :o It really means alot to have your work appreciated.
SEEKER said:

Its always an honor to recieve the "SEEKER Seal of approval"

SuperJedi...............Im watching you;)

There comes a time in every mans life where he's alowed to cry or shed a single tear. for me it has been
1. When I got Married
2. The birth of my son ( a year old today )
3. When Forrest broke his braces and started running like a real boy
4. and now my MLC JP all purtied up :cry sniff

a few words about Paul ( AFFO$'s ) :

I couldnt be more happier with his AWESOME painting skills!!first my MS2 bucket now my MLC JP ( youll be getting all my other stuff too :p) who knew upgrading would be soooo fun

A very outstanding & polite guy, eager & ready to help out. I highly recommend his talents if you are looking for top quality work.
in my opinion worth EVERY red cent

SO!!!!........... a BIG thanks to Paul for all your hard work & flippin sweet skills :thumbsup::thumbsup:
Paul did my helmet early this year, and Ill never get rid of it. It's my pride and joy!!! Matter of fact im already sucking up to him about a new helmet of mine.
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