Double Fabric vs. Neoprene

Zam I Am

Well-Known Hunter
Official Vote is in, NEOPRENE wins out over double fabric !
Actual suit screen arm shot:

Actual suit promo leg shot:


(I am borrowing Maulmaus' example :) )

Double Fabric:

Fabric run List opinions:
Zam I Am - Neoprene
Iceheart - Double fabric
Resilient - Neoprene
Seven - Neoprene (But Both if Possible)
KimnCris - Double Fabric
asok - Neoprene
Zamovar - Neoprene
Laiori - Neoprene
Droid Collector (Raul) - Neoprene
Benekov - Neoprene
Gotmaul - Double Fabric
BFett333 - Neoprene
Vader674 - Neoprene
Sl/TK 8456 - neoprene
Moncal - neoprene

:confused Me*gonk
:confused tk2542

Maulmaus - Neoprene
Langsuire666 - Neoprene
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I like the look of the Neoprene....and for the most part the heat factor isn't a worry for me. Firstly because I'm cold most of the time and secondly when it is hot here, I can wear a different costume. So Neoprene has my vote.
I'm going to have to come down on the side of neoprene. It's got the right look; sorta thick but still flexible. The double fabric just seems too thin, and would tend to make wrinkles at elbow and knee, rather than those thick folds as seen in the promotional pics.

Re: comfort issue -- At this "stage" of my life, I am very sensitive to heat ;) so chances are I'll probably pass out from heat exhaustion no matter which fabric I use. So I might as well look the part of a dying Zam if I'm going to be one. :lol:
Living in the Canary Islands, I really KNOW THE HEAT !!! We have no winter here !!! Absolutely NO WINTER, and almost no AUTUM...

But even so... I really prefer to be 100% accurate rather than a little more conform.. like other has said here, if it's hot, we can always use other costume (if we cannot resist !! I CAN ) ;)...

My real vote goes for NEOPRENE !!! Accuracy first !!!
I sent Raul a message letting him know about the debate. He said he hasn't been able to get on the TDH in a while so I tried to get him some info so he can. Maybe that's what's happened with several of the people. They can't get on to the forums?

At the same time, not to be a pain but maybe there should be a pole and a deadline so the order can be made. It's almost Christmas and for people to get their material and then get it to a seamstress, time is running thin. I will be helping 2 people get their suits made and my seamstress will be hard pressed to get them done for spring / C4.
I think that once the double fabric is stretched taut over a body, it will look just fine. It just seems so much more wearable...
Deadline I need to hear your votes by the 16th. I am thinking it's heading towards the neoprene. Once that is decision is reached (after the 16th), I do want to have the money in hand if possible to place the order this month. So, please, if you know anyone that hasn't responded, please help me get their info -- especially the :confused people that haven't responded. The ones who haven't responded are making me think there will be a price fluctuation, or that I will have to open up the list again. The price is holding steady looking to be $225.00 not including shipping for the people listed, if everyone that first signed up stays afloat and sends me their info. I can work out shipping costs to each individual later, once I recieve the $225.00 from everyone to place the initial orders. If the people with the :confused by their names are serious about sending the $ then I can get the ball rolling. If I don't hear from them as far as their mailing info etc, in the next 3 days, then I will have to reopen the list and take them off. I am hoping to get the $$ at least before the 24th, to make the order of neoprene. Please don't send me money until the results are final.
C'mon guys, just 2 days left... Let's say what you think...

BTW ZIA... what happens with those other guys =??? didnt they answer you ??? Have you tried to contact them ??? IF not, I will !!! but let's make this move :D:D:D.
I have emailed them and pm'ed them. They haven't responded. Please! if you guys know them, please let them know we are waiting for them. I would have to open the list again, if they are no-go's and replace them. :( Which I would rather not do. I just want to get this list/run done and over with.
ZIA, please.. let me ask you one thing abuot the payment methods...
You said "I can't accept paypal by creditcard, because I don't have a business account"... but for my experiences, you dont need a business account to received paypal by credit card ... I have used my paypal with my credit card almost every week, with people who dont have a businees account at all, and always worked perfectly... (you can ask MonCal for instance, I have made tons of deals with him, and no problem so far...)

Could you confirm that ?? please ?
Benekov ~ I can't because I don't have a business account/premier account. I would have to upgrade to a premier account to accept credit card charges, and then paypal would be taking in 4.9% on all $$ sent to me +.30 (which should be going towards the purchase of the material). All your friends probably have a premier account. I won't upgrade just to have $$ taken away from me, or having to charge more to the "customer." Even though it's easy to use, it's not worth the headache to me to calculate/find out the difference in 4.9%+.30 plus exchange rates per person. Debit paypal only. Money order is fine too.
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Which people can't you get ahold of? Is it just the ones at the bottom with :confused by their names?

I can try a couple of the people above there if there are some?
Getting off topic, yes you can accept up to 5 credit card payments per year if you don't have a buisness account. However, I believe that personal accounts are only allowed to accept $500 a month. Will that affect the run, payments and time?
Seven ~ if that is true, then I can only accept 2 payments by creditcard, paypal, but they will have to pay the 4.9% + .30 and everyone else said that they could pay by debit paypal. Also, 3 people are from out of the country plus I need to fill 2 spots, plus get info from :confused people who haven't responded. Time frame is still on hold :eek: because of the lack of :confused getting back to me and me being short 2 buyers.
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I'll be ordering and paying for the fabric for Raul and his vote is Neoprene. He can't log in to the forums for some reason.
Heheh.. dont get me wrong... I'm not bugging her at all, and I'm not in a hurry, just wondering simply what I asked... if there is any news... if the list is complete, is there is "enough" people to do the run... etc etc... I'm not asking her to STOP his world, drop the childs, and start working for us ;)... Simlpy that... :D:D:D

Merry Chistmass all of you !!! ;)
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