Body Suit Jabbadashery Neoprene

Ditto Nomisha's comment.
I'm going to try hook/eye or simple snaps (something easy to attach and detach) in a few places to keep the top portion down to the bottoms. Can you imagine this stuff riding up? The leather and all chafing would be awful.
So, is it just bare skin that you'd see under the lacing on the vest? Or does she wear something thinner underneath? Thanks for the reference pictures--I didn't catch that!
Also, silver, you ordered the fabric recently, can I ask how much fabric you purchased? This is my first time building any costume (I picked a hard enough one, eh?)... I'm getting over my head with this!
It's hard to tell from the runway show pics, but a black underarmor shirt probably wouldn't hurt anyones feelings.
beyora, I emailed them about my height and weight and requested their suggestion because I don't have alot of sewing experience yet.

If it will help, and I can rely on 5 billion people to not spread my size around ( yeah, right!), I'm right at 5 foot tall and 135 pounds. They suggested 3 meters, which allows for mistakes. By the time I actually fit this, it should be s looser fit as I've been dropping weight slowly. I don't know how thin, thick, tall or short you are, but I recommend emailing them, if you are buying the fabric from them for certain.
I received my order from Jabbadashery. It's amazing! :cool and the colour is not so pink, it's a beautiful and a little dark purple. Now, to try a similar colour for the vest and the other parts.
Just to show how people can see colors differently, I got mine in today and it looks grey-purple, or maybe even a heather color. My husband even thought that the purple color they were going for was more of a gunmetal-purple. Which, if you think about it, would look to be a well worn outfit/armor. and probably never washed either. Fictional Zam must have smelled pretty bad. LOL!

Tell you one thing, I kinda wished they had gone with that deep blue color on the inside of the neoprene. It's rich and vibrant without being cold, for the color of blue.
The smell... mmm... and this fabric can´t be washed with water... :lol: We'll be so close to the original Zam!

Seriously, the fabric is bonded with glue and washing can separate it. I will try a small piece handwashing to experiment (a very small little piece). If it doesn't work, professional clean, of course.

(Now we can ShaZam a new song, Smelly Cat)
The smell... mmm... and this fabric can´t be washed with water... :lol: We'll be so close to the original Zam!

Seriously, the fabric is bonded with glue and washing can separate it. I will try a small piece handwashing to experiment (a very small little piece). If it doesn't work, professional clean, of course.

(Now we can ShaZam a new song, Smelly Cat)
what are they feeding you?
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My suit is a two piece. I 'cheated' and only used the fabric in the places you'd actually see it. I made shoulders, arms and pants. I sewed the shoulders to a sweat wicking undershirt. I have to admit, I'm nervous about cutting and sewing the fabric. I bought 3 yards and it is too much. I will have a lot of fabric left over.
If you're ordering from the Jabbadashery, it's quite wide. That's what I didn't take in to account when I ordered my fabric. I have enough for two suits, but then again, I only make leggings and 'sleevings'. And good point about having extra in case of accident or emergency.
So, I finished the suit today. I must say, the leggings can stand on their own lol!

I'm quite happy the way it turned out. I managed to find a sweat wicking long sleeve shirt to sew the arms to. Put final touches on the leggings by sewing a hook for the 'knife' greeblie and four buttons for the suspenders. No zipper since the neoprene stretches.

I'll be wearing it this weekend in Ottawa. I'll post some pics.
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