Do I really have to mask all the silver?


New Hunter
Ok, I'm on the the ledge..... for what I can only imagine is a newbie mistake! I have put in the standard months to my ESB bucket paint job. Going with whatever the opposite of topical is(silver is the first layer). With the paint 95% complete I realize how much the silver won't look like metal after it has been dullcoated! Since some of the colors I used have a satin finish I have to Dullcoat. Oh man....I am assuming you are going to tell me to come off the ledge, strap my self in, get a gallon of liquid mask, and get to work. Right?
Really?! It looks awfuly gray after the dull coat. I know most things in the movies are severly dulled down to reduce the reflection of lights. I know some people use chrome on their helm. Why, if the desired effect is a dull finish?
I know it sounds weird...Use Chrome, then mask with mustard, let mustard get firm, then paint, let dry, use fingernail and papertowels and a toothbrush to remove mustard mask...don't worry, the chrome paint is worn out from the process. Looks like old steel when done.

Darthmagpie wrote:

Really?! It looks awfuly gray after the dull coat. I know most things in the movies are severly dulled down to reduce the reflection of lights. I know some people use chrome on their helm. Why, if the desired effect is a dull finish?
I think he alreday has the helmet done and is just looking to dull coat the entire helmet.

I think using the chrome paint then dull coating it is the only way to achive the correct color.
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