Dented Categories

Skalen Fehl

Active Hunter
One thing I have always noticed, this being primarily a site dedicated to Boba Fett, is that Boba Fett has a section with about five or six topic forums (helmet, soft parts, etc.) whereas Jango Fett and Zam have none, as does the Dented Variants forum.

Is it possible to give Jango Fett and the others (okay, I'm a Jango guy) the same or similar topic forums so that it is easier to sort through the pages to find one of a particular armor or costume part?

Thanks for the great site and many good resources for building a great bounty hunter. :thumbsup:
That's a good idea if ya ask me. I've got a similar question for the admins about the 'Boba' section. The good thing about the 'Jango' section is that a person could discuss his/her entire costume progress. S'pose somebody wanted to do the same with his/her costume. What section does a thread like that belong in? I may have been missin' somethin', but I thought I saw a bunch of those threads bein' moved to the Sarlacc Pit.
What about having the individual sections for Jango/Zam/Varients just like Boba does. We can keep the general "Jango, Zam, Varient" sections like we have now, and add a general "Boba Fett" section just like the sections we have now for the jango/zam/vareients. Just my suggestion.

It is sheerly a matter of volume and numbers. The overwhelming majority of those who post here are working on Boba Fett costumes. To give you an idea, both the Boba helmet and Boba armor forums contain over 50 pages of threads. The entire Jango forum has less than 20, and Zam has less than 15. We could split out the Jango and Zam forums but we would end up with 5 threads here and 15 threads there. One of our initial intents with this board was not to overwhelm it with numerous forums. The number show this to still be the best route. I am sure it is beating a dead horse, but the serach function is a powerful tool for finding the information you need.

In regard to having a section to discuss your overall Boba costume, the Sarlacc Pit used to be that forum but it has changed over the years and has now become the OT and catchall forum. However, you will still see that complete Boba costumes are posted there.

I thought we verified they both do?

:lol: :lol:

Funny that you mention that. I was recently doing HD screencaps of Jango and noticed that he has the dent in his helmet right from the get-go. I have heard all kinds of arguments about Obi-Wan giving it to him but you can clearly see it before he and Obi-Wan ever make physical contact. When Jango is on the landing platform and Boba warns him that Obi-Wan is coming, Jango whips around and the dent doesn't appear to be there. In the very next scene where Jango (CGI Jango) begins firing on Obi-Wan, it is there, very clearly and more or less there throughout the remainder of the movie. Nothing like SW continuity...
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