Dead or Alive Your Coming With Me!


Active Hunter
Here's a few pics of my armour, more to come:


siberianhole said:
That looks rad! what material is the vest made of? It almost looks like jersey, but not quite. I like it alot.
HMMMM....Kinda looks like shelf liner material.Looks great whatever it is.
Lookin good, Really like the colours.... My only suggestion is to get rid of the infamous "DENT" in the bucket.... Doing custom mando's gives you such a great opportunity to come up with some different looking battle damage! The damage and weathering done to a set of armor / bucket is what gives your Mando it's history and individuality.....
But like I said, looks great...:thumbsup:
MandoMan said:
Definatly wicked cool! Is the neckseal a stormtrooper one? Looks really good with everything else!

Yes it is a TK neckseal.

siberianhole said:
That looks rad! what material is the vest made of? It almost looks like jersey, but not quite. I like it alot.

Believe it or not it is actually a good quality car seat material!

KidAkira said:
My only suggestion is to get rid of the infamous "DENT" in the bucket....

I chose to leave the dent for several reasons. First is that I MAY oneday do a Boba and want to leave my options open. Secondly I simpley like the look of it.

Here's some pics of a troop I attended yesterday:


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