
Well-Known Hunter

Here's a few pics of my progress on converting BKBT's Jango bucket to a Boba. First I would like to thank BKBT for creating such a beautiful bucket. It was hard to make that first cut! :lol: So far I have trimmed some of the back off of the helmet to give it a more accurate Boba angle. I have drilled out the hole for the Borden Connector(thanks MaxPlague) as well as cut out the little rectangle on the opposing side. Oh, yeah, and I finally got up the nerve to make the dent. Yeah, I'm going for RotJ with the paint scheme(thanks Shortimer52), so I figured I ought to make the dent RotJ. Anyway enjoy the pics.





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AFettFullofDollars said:
Here's a few pics of my progress on converting BKBT's Jango bucket to a Boba. First I would like to thank BKBT for creating such a beautiful bucket. It was hard to make that first cut! :lol: So far I have trimmed some of the back off of the helmet to give it a more accurate Boba angle. I have drilled out the hole for the Borden Connector(thanks MaxPlague) as well as cut out the little rectangle on the opposing side. Oh, yeah, and I finally got up the nerve to make the dent. Yeah, I'm going for RotJ with the paint scheme(thanks Shortimer52), so I figured I ought to make the dent RotJ. Anyway enjoy the pics.

DID you ever finish this....???:)
looks good! how you gonna do the ear-pieces, Boba's are different from Jango's, mostly the antenna holding one.
No, I'm not finished with it yet. I've been busy with other projects (vests and painting helmets), so I haven't been able to give it any more time. As for the ear that holds the rangefinder... It looks just like Boba's except on Jango's it is in the 'closed' position. For Boba, you just attach it in the 'open' configuration.

Well, I've finally finished the modifications to my BKBT bucket. All that's left to do is cut out the visor area and start painting. I've already started painting the ears. The remaining things I had to do was:

1) Reduce the width of the horizontal part of the visor (from ear to ear, not top to bottom).

2) Increase the length of the areas behind the ears and change their angle slightly. Based on reference photos they don't angle the same on both sides.

3) Alter the keyslot area.

(The areas highlighted in blue are the areas that had to be filled or have their shape altered. The Pics actually loaded backwards!? The finished product pic preceeds the pic showing where the augmentation was made.)









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that looks fantastic
i wana buy my 2nd bucket soon... could you PM me with the details of who does these buckets... im not familiar with the name

is it symmetrical ?

what happened to this thread? curious if the bucket was ever completed and if so how it came out...i know this is a couple years old but i came accross it and was curious at the other mods and the end result?
Yes, I finished it, sold it, bought it back and decided to do some further revisions like adding a set of Rogue Studios Ears to the helmet, widening the horizontal part of the visor, reworking the curve on the mandibles and widening the keyslot area. Plus I've also revised my painting stencils for the back of the helmet and wanted to give those a shot. Here's a link to the original 'Finished' thread...

And here's a link to the BKBT Conversion V 2.0 thread...

I have two ROTJ helmet comissions to complete before I will have any time to pick back up on this baby.

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While I'm letting the paint dry on some helmet comissions, I thought I'd snap a few more progress shots. Sorry for the fuzziness, but it was getting dark and I took the pics outside. The lights in my house distort the colors too much, so I wanted to used natural light. I included some red lines to highlight the alterations I made to the keyslot area.

DOH!! I just realized I should have put this in the BKBT Jango to Boba V2.0 thread!

BKBT V2a.jpg

BKBT V2b.jpg

BKBT V2c.jpg

BKBT V2d.jpg
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