Collar Armor Problems


Well-Known Hunter
I'm having a problem with my collar armor digging into my throat when I suit up. My collar armor is attached to my backplate with the aluminum bolt studs. This in itself is fine but when the jet pack is loaded on it drags the weight of the backplate down which in turn pulls on the collar.

After an entire day of wearing this it really starts to hurt. Anyone come up with a solution for this?

you may want to rethink the harness, the pack should just rest agianst the backplate and not pull down on it, IF the jet pack hangs just low enough it will strangle you to death, but I cut my straps shorter and it stop choking me.

Another thing I did to remedy that, I put the collar armor on with velcro so its fully adjustable, its the last piece I put on and if for some reason it starts geting tight you can readjust it.

I know the backplate and collar bolted together are movie accurate, but after all The actor only wore it for a brief period. And there are Production shots of Fett sitting down on the skiff tugging at the collar armor because the jet pack was attached right to the backplate.

Comfort over accuracy I say, you might not want to do that though I'm not sure what else to do.
You need to either:

a) adjust the location of the holes in your back armor so the pack straps don't press on the back plate.

b) get a larger collar piece that allows more neck room

c) install a small piece of plastic in your neck seal to spread out the pressure from your collar armor

Aside from the pain of having to redo pieces, options a and b are you best bets.
I suffer from the same exact thing as I have mine bolted as well. I have made my backplate holes bigger and the belts tighter and it only helped alittle. I think my problem (and maybe yours as well) is that the curve of the shoulder area where the two pieces overlap may need to be more rounded so that the backplate fully rests against your back and the collar flat on your shoulders. If they rest flushed without the jet pack, they should be fine as the JP should only pull down. The curve of the plastic should help.

I usually have a red line across my neck after each wearing. As I walk and the natural spring in your step causes the weight of the JP to drop slightly. After a couple of hours...Ouch!

Good luck! :)
Bob, your idea seems to fit in with my current "designs" already. I think you're probably right. I might try bending that backplate even more. Its true. Without the jet pack, the backplate pops off my lower back. The weight of the pack holds it down. Thanks!
I had this probem and to solve it I cut my slots in the backplate to go down another half inch. Seems to have done the trick for the most part.
I was talking with Jeremy B about this at the weekend. He said that a small strap like device went between the bottom of the vest and attached to the belt on his suit as he had been suffering from the same problem. Hope this helps.
Oh good, it's not just me!:lol:

Or are you BLAMING the collar studs?;)

Bob and Webchief- That's exactly my problem, too. The backplate sticks out until I put on my pack. I added velcro to hold it to the vest WITHOUT the pack, but I didn't realize that that was part of the problem, too.

I've already enlarged the bottom of each strap cutout, but it barely made a dent (no pun intended), so I may both curve the backplate, and remove some neck area.

This one MORON at Dragoncon- big older guy too- put his arm around me and LEANED on my pack for a picture! He nearly took me down to the floor and I choked on my neck armor. Idiot. I had trouble all night after that, and I think my harness straps got stretched. What kind of idiot puts his arm AROUND a Fett anyway?? You gotta go up and over the pack to do it- and this guy was large. Not American Chopper Paul Sr. large, but big enough. These people have no common sense.:rolleyes

Rodann wrote:

Oh good, it's not just me!:lol:

Or are you BLAMING the collar studs?;)

Bob and Webchief- That's exactly my problem, too. The backplate sticks out until I put on my pack. I added velcro to hold it to the vest WITHOUT the pack, but I didn't realize that that was part of the problem, too.

I've already enlarged the bottom of each strap cutout, but it barely made a dent (no pun intended), so I may both curve the backplate, and remove some neck area.

This one MORON at Dragoncon- big older guy too- put his arm around me and LEANED on my pack for a picture! He nearly took me down to the floor and I choked on my neck armor. Idiot. I had trouble all night after that, and I think my harness straps got stretched. What kind of idiot puts his arm AROUND a Fett anyway?? You gotta go up and over the pack to do it- and this guy was large. Not American Chopper Paul Sr. large, but big enough. These people have no common sense.:rolleyes

Thats terrible, I had some dude go up try to hug me once and I told them to back away as I reach for my blaster, lol I stay in character though. sounds like you didnt get a chance to tell him though, that just sucks.

I cant be sure but I think TK-409's collar and backplate are seperate and His looks great.
Yeah, I've been playing around with the idea of just attaching the studs to the collar armor, and using velcro between the collar and backplate- it would make suiting up easier, too. I have the velcro there anyway.:facepalm
What kind of idiot puts his arm AROUND a Fett anyway??

You have no idea how many times idiots have done that to me in taking pics. Once in a while they pull the 'headlock' move also. :facepalm
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