cod piece

myn is attached to my girth actually.

the girth ropes were glued to a piece of aluminium, then the cod was screwed and glued to that aluminium piece.

holds the girth and cod up nicely.
that's not the real way to go however.

If ya wanna go accurate I think you should attach the cod to the but plate, with a elastique on the inside.
The cod is screwed into the kidney armor with a bolt just like the collar armor bolts. One on each hip. The two pieces clamshell together on your body and won't slip off.
:) sounds like a solid solution!

but if your cod is like myn... a construction of various materials and kinda heavy due to kit and bondo... I do advice against velcro.

If it's a single plate... vac formed or fiberglassed, then I gues velcro would be a very good solution.
R_boba_fett said:
:) sounds like a solid solution!

but if your cod is like myn... a construction of various materials and kinda heavy due to kit and bondo... I do advice against velcro.

If it's a single plate... vac formed or fiberglassed, then I gues velcro would be a very good solution.

Good point. Mine is the FP stuff and takes to the velcro very well.
Some people call it the butt plate which is really inaccurate. It sits ontop your kidneys. Look around the forum... there's plenty of pictures of them.
i glued a screw or bolt to each side of the cod peice and just poked 2 holes in my jumpsuit, slide the screws in and just closed them w/ a nut, not the most comfy, but its not goin anywhere
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