What the Professionals use for prosthetics and sometimes masks is called
Roma Plastilina, it's a Oil-based clay that doesn't dry out, but it doesn't set-up against GI-1000 Silicone because it has Sulphur in it.
It is carried at many art stores and looks like this:
Other artists prefer to use clay without Sulphur in it called
Chavant which Rob Bottin's FX Crew sculpted Robocop out of because it can be smoothed-out and polished, they even use it for sculpting Car designs out of:
Here is their website:
For my own projects I use
WED Clay which is a water-based clay that
Laguna Clay sells, it's great stuff, inexpensive, and if you cover your sculpt with wet paper towels and a plastic bag you can keep working on your sculpture for a long time
As far as Mixing clays it all depends on what result you are trying to acheve, for film work artists melt clays together so that they are softer for a "Clay Pour" which is done for sculpting a head or bodypart of an actor or actress. Once the Melted clay cools it is easier to sculpt with and later mold.
If you have any other questions, drop me a PM.