Chest display circuit board layout?


Well-Known Hunter
Does anyone have a chest display circuit board pic? i 'm having a friend make mine but he would like to see what a completed one looks like. i got the schematic off Brak's tutorial site.

also does anyone know, if the R14-20=220 ohm are 1/4 watt?

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I seem to remember seeing the schematic somewhere online before... I may have even downloaded it. Let me poke around and get back to you.
All resistors used in the circuit are 1/8 watt (1/4 would work fine, but will just be bigger than needed).

The back of the PCBs have no components, other than the connectors I use. All parts mount to the front of the boards. Sorry, never took pics of the boards (up close), just posted the schematics.

Good luck on the project though! I've known a few others that have built their own, with good results!

Doesn't shackman's circuit use a programmed eprom? It should be a very simple program to write. I would have to refresh my programming a bit though
It's a PIC microcontroller. Yes, fairly simple program, except that I had to learn to program in PIC assembly before writing it. ;) Seriously though, with programming experience and a programmer, it isn't that hard. LOT better than using discrete logic chips.

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