Bondo questions


Active Hunter
Howdy all,

I have a few bondo related questions:

1) Should I wear a respirator when mixing two-part body filler?

2) Should I wear a respirator when sanding two-part body filler?

I was planning on doing this outside, or in my garage with both doors open so circulation shouldn't be a problem. I want to be safe, but if I can do it without gearing up, I'd like to!


I don't wear anything when I sand or mix Bondo... But its always better to be safe than sorry. The package says that the vapors are harmful. IMO, as long as you aren't purposely huffing it, or mixing it in a space the size of a closet, you'll be fine.
Bondo is nasty stuff. Polyesters are bad news, fume-wise. (Brain and liver damage.) They're worse than epoxies, which are bad enough. IIRC, they release one of the nastier chemicals, and one which most fume filter respirators do not block very well. Wearing a respirator can reduce the smell, but the worst chemical comes right through, so it may actually increase your dosage by masking how much nastiness you're inhaling.

I've got a snorkel, a pool vacuum cleaner hose, and an old hair dryer that I'm going to use to make an air-line respirator next time I use polyester resin or urethanes. (Using the hair dryer with the heat off, to suck fresh air from outside & upwind, and blow it past my snorkel mouthpiece.)

At any rate, be careful to have good ventilation, with a fan or something to blow or suck the air across the polyester and away from you.

I also wouldn't sand Bondo without a good particulate filter respirator.
You're gonna wear a snorkel to do Bondo/fiberglass work? Make sure to take pics for us.

Oh, don't worry, my wife wouldn't let that slip by without pulling out the camera. Especially since I'll have the little swimmers' nose-pincher thingie on.
Bondo is nasty stuff. Polyesters are bad news, fume-wise.

Yikes. Now I'm scared. I did use it and sand it a few times without any protection.

Is there a better alternative for filling in voids, or building up areas? The little tubes of model putty are just too small, and that would add up fast.
I use the spotty and glaze... Still Bondo brand though... I've only used the 2 part a few times when it was a time sensitive project. The 2 part dries almost instantly, and is harder to sand. The spot putty takes a little longer to dry, but is much easier to sand. Theres no mixing though, so you can cut that part of the fumes completely out. I don't think its any healthier to breathe in the vapors, just less of 'em to worry about. :P
I use a combination of standard ol Bondo along with the Bondo Spot and Glazing Putty. If you need to fill in large areas such as filling the dent in a Boba helmet, use Bondo as the spot/glazing putty will crack as it's mainly used for skim coating and very thin coats. As far as danger, as long as you use it in a ventilated area and when sanding, use a simple paper mask that you can buy cheap at any hardware store, along with safety glasses so the dust won't get in my eyes. Then wash all the dust off after, that way you should be fine in using it.

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