
Active Hunter

Apr.15 Update:

I am now accepting Paypal payments from anyone who still hasn't sent me the dough. :) Paypal:
Just to remind you all, my Paypal account doesn't let me accept Credit card payments!


Apr.4 Update:


Just want to let you all know that I've got all my parts and I finished 4 circuits so far. The rest should be done this week as well! ;)

Also, please make sure that the RF that you have will be able to house the lights properly! The thing that will need some room is the mercury switch, since you need to position it in such a way that it'll turn the lights on only when the RF is in the down position.

Here are some sizes:

Length: 3.7cm Reference Picture1
Width: 2.6cm Reference Picture1
Heigth: 1.3cm
Mercury Switch Lenth: 1.6cm

Here are some pics of a Don Post RF with the kit inside for size reference:


Greeting fellow fett-heads!
I was overwhelmed by the amount of LED kits I made for many members here a while back. I never imagined they would be in demand so much! So I thank you all! ;)

I've got some more people interested in getting these from me, so I've been ordering some extra parts. Unfortunately some parts are rare, and I've been having a tough time getting them easily.

So anyways, for those of you who don't know what these kit things are, here's a PDF manual for them:

LED Kit Manual!

Here are some pictures:

LED Kit Pictures!

The price is $50US (incl. shipping). I'm also always up for some trading for fett parts that I still need, so PM me if you have anything to offer! I accept Paypal as my main option of payment (no credit card tho!).

The LED color's are: Red for the 2 top ones, and green for the bottom one.

This is a post to keep those people interested updated. If you'd like a set of my lights, please post here, and I will let you know if there is still some room.

Current list of people on this 2nd run:
(if there's an error on this list, please let me know)

  1. <LI> reidemiller: 1 kit <font color="#FF66FF">Interested
    <LI> VaderForce: 1 kit <font color="#FF66FF">Interested
    <LI> Darksaber212: 1 kit <font color="#66FF00">Recieved
    <LI> EE-3 Carbine: 1 kit <font color="#66FF00">Recieved
    <LI> Mister_Fett_1975: 1 kit <font color="#FF66FF">Interested
    <LI> Baddblood: 2 kits <font color="#66FF00">Recieved
    <LI> dengar99: 1 kit <font color="#66FF00">Recieved
    <LI> mobius: 1 kit <font color="#3366FF">Shipped
    <LI> TK-1776: 1 kit <font color="#66FF00">Recieved
    <LI> Jedi-Bob: 1 kit <font color="#66FF00">Recieved
    <LI> Jaster Blaster: 1 kit <font color="#FF66FF">Interested
    <LI> dcwheaton: 1 kit <font color="#3366FF">Shipped
    <LI> sci-fi collector: 1 kit <font color="#FFFF00">Ordered

<font color="#FF66FF">Interested - you want a set, and I'm checking my inventory for parts.
<font color="#FFFF00">Ordered - i got your dough, and they're in assembly.
<font color="#3366FF">Shipped - they're on their way.
<font color="#66FF00">Recieved - they've arrived.

Ok guys, that's about it for now.


Done! ;)

I've updated the colors and legend a little, so keep a close eye!

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Is it possible to make them without the green LED on the bottom? No problem if not, I'm just curious. :)
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Sure, I can just remove the green LED connector if you like.
If you want me to include the green LED/connector, you can always just remove it.

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Hey Bobo,

I'm very interested in a set. What e-mail address do you use for your Paypal account? Thanks! :D

John Barrows, Jr.
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Karate-Jedi wrote:

Does this system beep as well?

I would love to say "yes", but unfortunately I haven't figured that one out yet :p

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Errr, I just checked my PayPal account, and I don't see any payments?! And from what I remember, I wasn't taking payments just yet.


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Hey Bobo,

Is there a time table as to when this run will be ready for purchasing or are you still locating all of the parts that you need? Thanks!

John Barrows, Jr.
501st New England Garrison
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TK-1776 wrote:

Hey Bobo,

Is there a time table as to when this run will be ready for purchasing or are you still locating all of the parts that you need? Thanks!

John Barrows, Jr.
501st New England Garrison

I'm expecting the new capacitors any day now! And I'll be working on a few of them today ;)

I'll keep you updated!
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Very cool, Bobo. I'm having my servo installed by a friend and so hopefully by the time it is complete and I get my helmet back you will start taking orders. I'm not all that good with electronics, so I have a silly question. I've heard your lights work on a "Mercury switch?" Something about it turning the lights on when the rangefinder stalk folds down. Is that correct? I don't really know how it works.

John Barrows, Jr.
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Yeah, if you look at the manual in my 1st post, you can see how the mercury switch looks like!

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As soon as the RF LED kits are available, please notify me and I will immediately send payment. Thanks! :D

John Barrows, Jr.
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Sorry man, I don't actually know where everyone got their rangefinder. When I bought a helmet that was already built from a friend of mine, it already had one that was hollow + had the two holes already drilled for the red lights, as well as a green plastic piece on the bottom that the light could shine through.

Look around on the helmet section and I'm sure you'll find one. Either that or you can go onto the Cargo Hold and tell others that you are seeking to purchase one. Someone will help you out. Good luck! :D

John Barrows, Jr.
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