Bobamaker T-visor help

I just got a T-visor from Bobamaker and I'm trying to figure out the best way to install it.
I have a DP 95' and I have cut away the original visor and cleaned it all up.
The main problem is, the T-visor is very thick and does not flex.
There is also very limited room to glue or mount any kind of bracket.
Has anyone accomplished this? Please let me know how you did it.
The way I did it, through help of this board, is you make sure it lays in as flush as possible, I.E., as close as possble so there are very miniscule gaps between the visor and the helm, if there is any. To do that, I sanded the inside down a bit, I dont know about a DP though, cause mine is made of fiberglass. To shape it, what I did was lay the visor is, and kept a blow dryer on it, eventually, the heat will make is flexible as long as its hot. Now, like I said, my helmet is made of fiberglass, and didnt warp from the heat, the DP, I dont know, may warp from the heat. But you can still use a blow dryer on the bobamaker visor itself and adjust it so it fits properly inside the helmet. Just be careful because it does get mighty hot, wear protective gloves if possible. As far as keeping it in, I used a hot glue gun. Works incredibly well with mine, and should on yours. Just make sure that the mandibles are even the first time you glue though, unlike me, which costed me time, and taught me how well the glue fromm it holds tight.
Hope this helps.

i've never worked with a DP helmet... aside from mounting, does the visor fit?

my t visor (bobamaker visor, ms3 helmet) is just hot glued in. i taped it into place with blue masking tape then hot glued the visor, just in the corners (sides of the eye slit, bottom of the t, etc...).

it's held up through about 20 troops with no issues.
Whack it in the oven for a bit until it goes really floppy. Then take it out and fit it into the helmet and get it as flush as you can until you are happy with it, then hold it in place until it goes hard then you can glue it in place. I used epoxy putty to hold it in place, but for my Sgt Fang bucket I'm going to use Spidey's tee-nut method.

**Don't forget to wear oven gloves!:lol: **
Thanks guys! The visor fit remarkably well out of the box. I dipped the visor in hot water to straighten out the curve just a bit. The probelm with the DP helmet, unlike firberglass, is that the helmet is made from a thick semi-soft plastic material so it has some flex to it. Once I get the visor in the helmet, it will be ridged again.
I know there are different grades of hot glue available. From light craft all the way to industrial. What do you recommend?
I know there are different grades of hot glue available. From light craft all the way to industrial. What do you recommend?

i use the generic high temp craft store stuff. i've used the industrial too, but they don't sell it at my local craft store, hence my choice.

sadly, i've also used duct tape as a permanent instalation technique. my stuff looks good on the outside, but inside is a whole different story!
i use the generic high temp craft store stuff. i've used the industrial too, but they don't sell it at my local craft store, hence my choice.

sadly, i've also used duct tape as a permanent instalation technique. my stuff looks good on the outside, but inside is a whole different story!

Ah, yes! Duct tape. If I had a dollar for every time I have tried to rig something and have used duct tape as a last resort or a quick fix, I would be quite wealthy by now!
I put a BM visor in my DP96. I had to cut the bottom down a little, I used Goop to glue it in. I started at the bottom part on both sides. I used a couple of those spring loaded clamps to hold it in place till it dried. Then I put Goop in the top on each side one at a time.
i've never worked with a DP helmet... aside from mounting, does the visor fit?

my t visor (bobamaker visor, ms3 helmet) is just hot glued in. i taped it into place with blue masking tape then hot glued the visor, just in the corners (sides of the eye slit, bottom of the t, etc...).

it's held up through about 20 troops with no issues.
Yeah, BM's visors fit in the DP buckets. I have a resin recast of the DP and it fits great. I need to upgrade to fiberglass though...
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