Bobamaker helmet


New Hunter
Hey guys,

Got the Bobamaker helmet today,absolutely awesome,really looking forward to painting this helmet,gunna do it in ESB colours....

And for all you doubters,this helmet IS bigger than than the DPs,I had the DP97 and I can catagorically state that it is bigger...and better and just about spot on,I can't see or find no difference to the actuall screen used bucket's a few pics....




Please don't ask me why the pics have diminished in size as I just don't know!!!
Glad you like it, good luck with the paint job, keep us posted. I still haven't found time to paint one of these for myself yet :rolleyes
Hey. I've been wondering where to get some of those helmets. I tried making one and it ended up kinda embarrassing. If you have any other ideas on how to get a cheap helmet, please tell me. Thanks.
Sprayed the bucket just now,I also noticed from various pics of the ESB helm that a couple of the more severe scratches are actually deep cuts,so I Dremmeled those in too,can't wait to get started on this baby!!

I want one...:love

maybe... just maybe somewhere this month... have to cancel the armor vest then but... I want that bucket...:p
I was referred to the BM site this afternoon, and I was very impressed with the way it looks. I think I might have to invest in one of those. I think one of the cool things about them, even if you don't get the rest of your costume completed, with a good paint job, that helmet will look brilliant as a piece you can place in your home or your office for show.

Time for me to start saving those pennies, I think! 8)
Bobamakers helmets certainly are impressive.

I don't know where this 'undersize' or 'same size as a DP' started (as I've read on other forums). I own a Bobamaker helmet and have sized it against my two MSH helmets and there is only a very slight difference in dimensions.

It's certainly bigger than my DP's! :)
I'm currently in discussions with Bobamaker about one of his helmets that i want him to paint also, and have found that not only is his helmet arguably one of the best out there (IMO it is) but the guy is an absolute diamond to deal with. All the best Daz and crack on with the 'Special Two' project!
RS Props said:
Bobamakers helmets certainly are impressive.

I don't know where this 'undersize' or 'same size as a DP' started (as I've read on other forums). I own a Bobamaker helmet and have sized it against my two MSH helmets and there is only a very slight difference in dimensions.

It's certainly bigger than my DP's! :)

RS Props -I'd love to see a line-up shot of all your helmets for reference.
Will be making a start on my BOBAMAKER HELMET soon during my week off from work, its a quality helmet from a Quality and genuine guy.

UK Garrison
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