BOBA FETT vest materal and neck seal help


New Hunter
any one have an idea of what kind of materal i would need for the vest, and the neck seal. Jango's looks likes vinal or a leather product, but not quite sure what Bobas is, and thats what i need the help with. pm me or reply to this if you can,
Yes, I am still making vests. And Eric/Batninja is making them with the correct light grey tackle twill. Eric and I went in together on my last purchase of tackle twill.

You could start a post to see how many ppl would do a bulk buy.. Then purchase it and divide it up and ship it to all ppl interested.
Or do it the easy way and buy it from ladysewforus.

Don't forget tackle twill has a shiney side and a dull side, each is used for the vest, in what order I forget, do a search.
Hope it helps.
Don't forget tackle twill has a shiney side and a dull side, each is used for the vest, in what order I forget, do a search.
Hope it helps.

Can someone post where this info comes from? I have a feeling that at some point someone made a good guess and it has since become cannon without any proof. I have never seen any documentation that 1) they used tackle twill for the vest/neckseal and 2) they used a dull side for the vest and shiny side for the neckseal. Where does this information originate?
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