Black wash

You can either spray it over the entire area, or you can do it in specific areas. I did it in specific areas when I was doing my gauntlets. It really all depends on how weathered you want it to look when you are deciding how dark to make it. I think it is best to go light because you can always go back and darken it up. Just make sure that you get water mixed into the acrylic, and it is usually best when you get to the bottom of the bottle of the paint to put some water in the bottle and mix it up or else you could get a clog in your airbrush.
The best wash for me that i use on just about everything is soapy water mixed with acrylic paint. Simply add a few drops of dishwashing liquid to a cup of water and a few drops of black acrylic paint and mix up. U can paint it on and even if it gets "soapy" thats good. It will dry in a soapy pattern, but ill usually use my heat gun or hair dryer to quick dry the "foamy " paint wash. Works great.
Thanks alot, you've really helped me a great deal. Another thing was that I wanted to ask about how much paint to add to the water, but that's conveniently already been answered for me here. Well, back to sanding my chest armor and Bondoing (that a word and/or verb? Is now I guess...) some gaps in a new holdout blaster, and maybe get everything primered today. Thanks again, I'd never get anything done on these projects without this and another message board...

After testing out the method on spare pieces of plastic, I've found that this technique isn't as hard as I'd expected it to be. Don't get me wrong, from the look of certain buy'ce, it's definitely an art form, but it's alot easier than expected. I reckon I psyched myself out, not wanting to spray black paint over something you work so hard on. I was afraid I'd mess up and have to resand and repaint again...To any beginners like myself, I suggest that you practice on spare pieces of plastic before you move on to doing your armor or buy'ce. Good luck!

Personally, I used a 50/50 black/olive drab acryllic mix. I use a paint brush to apply a small amount to the tip of a coffee filter folded into a triangle. Then I dip the corner into a shotglass of water, give it a few good squeezes to dilute the paint a bit, and dab it on. It gives me a very random "dirty" look. Works great with armor too, but I used mainly black on that since it's a darker green.
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