BKBT Jango Helmet

Hello all...
I'm getting ready to start on my new BKBT, but have very limited experience with making things like this. So I got a few questions...

1. I got some rub n buff, but I could only find silver leaf. Is silver leaf okay for this, or is there even a plain silver version?

2. Is it better to RnB first and then paint, or paint and then RnB? (not really sure how to mask the RnB if I use it first since it's a wax)

3. What's the best thing to use to bond the side pieces to the helmet, or does it really matter?

I'll post some progress pics too. :cheers
First welcome to the TDH and congrats on getting a great bucket!
I painted the blue first and then carefully applied the rub n buff.
To attach the ears, its personal preference really. Some just superglue them in place as other(including myself) went with earth magnets to hold them in place. But you only really need to use the earth magnets on the rangefinder side. Do a search and you will see what i'm talking about. This way allows you to take it a apart and add neat things like lights and a rotating rangefinder later down the road:-)
Also,you need to check out Seekers suggested blue spray paints for this helmet. He did alot of research finding the closest colors and it shows.
I'm others will chime in and give you a few more tips!
:cheers Heres Seekers suggested paints.

You may have to get these online.
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Yup... Thats about it... Except I did the rnb first, before the painting... Rnb is pretty sloppy and has to be buffed on. Even if you tape off your painted sections, I suspect that the rnb will catch in the tapes edge and gunk up. Then when you peel the tape, that gunk will most likely smear if you touch it.

I had no problem at all masking off the rnb with blue painters tape, so I'd definitely go rnb first. Plus, if you do get a crummy section, you're still good to wet sand it off and start over if you have to.
I highlu suggest as others said to rubb and buff first, because if your not careful or just not paying attention, you can get some of the silver on the blue. which is a pain, becuase you cant just paint over that section, you have to do the whole blue over again, or it wont look even as far as the colors.

For the earcaps, you might want to use Goop. If you decide to get this, get the original Goop, none of that plumbers, or craft sub-products of it. Its a really good bond and will not fall apart in different tempratures.

One last thing for the R&B, remember to sand before you paint, use a primer over the helmet, wet sanding will make it much easier and makes it smoother. The smoother the helmet, the shinier the R&B can be. Look forward to seeing your bucket1

This is where I'm at so far...


I still gotta sand down a bit more for the visor region...

Got another question actually. Anyone know what the exact width is of the pin stripes?

You need to go down to an automotive shop and pick up 1/8th inch thick automotive stripping. Works very well and appears as if it was painted on after.

I am happy to see another helmet in the works. Reminds me when I started my BKBT too. LOL, my first pic I posted was pretty much exactly how yours is.

Thank you!

Well, while waiting for the krylon ocean blue to come in the mail, I did this....

It took about five tries to get to this. I'm happy with it.
I wetsanded the primer in the kitchen sink. Had some water running over while I sanded it with some 600 grit sandpaper. Don't know how everyone else does it, but this was fun.:lol:



Hey, great job. Just to add some warning though, when you start to tape off the silver when you satrt painting the blues, be careful, because when you start to pull of the masking tape, it can pull off some of the rubb and buff, leaving it to look "tarnished" and not as shiny as when you first out it on there.

It looks amazing!
Do you have a attachment plan for the visor?
I'm doing a method i saw here,i forgot who did it though. I will post pics(I'll start a seperate thread), Its a bolt and nut attachment. Very sturdy once finished.
What kind of tape did you use to mask off your helmet for the blue?
It looks amazing!
Do you have a attachment plan for the visor?
I'm doing a method i saw here,i forgot who did it though. I will post pics(I'll start a seperate thread), Its a bolt and nut attachment. Very sturdy once finished.
What kind of tape did you use to mask off your helmet for the blue?

No clue yet what I'm gonna do for the visor. Nut and bolt attachment seems interesting though. I don't think I could bring myself to do that with mine at this point...

I cut out some layers of newspaper so it could fit over the silver parts, and taped it to the helmet along the edges. It took a little while to do, but worked out well.
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