Beetlefix Armor

Fetts Reaction

New Hunter
I just wanted to say hello and let everyone know that I'm just now getting started on my Boba Fett. I've been reading posts on here for several weeks now and I must say that there are some incredible artists on this board. Everyone should be very proud of what they've accomplished. The community seems very welcoming and friendly, which is quite a comfort, and I applaud all of you for your willingness to help each other and provide constructive criticism.

To get to the topic at hand...I ended up finding a FG armor kit for sale on eBay from Beetlefix. While I was originally kicking around the idea of following y'alls lead and giving the whole painting thing a shot, I ultimately decided that I didn't have that much time to devote to the project. Bettlefix had supplied the side by side images shown below in his auction and that's what sold me on picking up a painted set from him. Let me just say that his work is really incredible. He was an absolute pleasure to work with and he got the job done really quickly. So far I've purchased the chest plates, collar, cod piece, back plate, and shoulder bells from him, but I will definitely be going back for my bucket, knees, and probably the gauntlets and pack if he's able to do it all. I'm not certain if any of you have ever purchased from him or not, but I'm telling you, he does an excellent job, and after seeing the product in's just awesome. It really lit a fire under me to start putting the rest of my costume if I could just win the lottery. ;)

Anyway, it'll be slow going for me due to a tight budget, but as soon as my costume is a little further along I'll definitely post some pics.

Welcome to the finest Fett site on the net. You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villany. Kidding :lol:

Tons of info and helpful people here you will find. :)

Hey man!! Glad to see you like his work!!! I just emailed him the other day about his armor. It looks great!! Do you have any other pictures? How thick is the armor? I just want to make sure I only have to buy it once.

Later!!!!!!!!!!!! :cheers
Ok...I grabbed the camera and shot several photos of my Beetlefix armor at random tonight. I then found myself unusually bored so I threw together a very basic page to showcase said photos...

Beetlefix Armor

You'll no doubt notice that I'm missing the diamond chest piece. He forgot to include it in the package, caught the error before I'd even received the set, and sent it it should be arriving any day now.

I hope these pictures help you with your decision. I know that I'm extremely pleased with this set, and I'll be even more so when I'm able to start putting together the remaining pieces of my suit!

Long way to go. ;)
Hey FR,

the armor looks great. I have Fett Pride Armor. I have been really happy with it myself. Its a great start.

I see your in Jersey City? This weekend at the newport center mall I am gonna troop my fett at the Suncoast from 12-5 . Come on out man! There is going to be a bunch of 501st Ner guys.
Yeah, Beetlefix did a great job with the paint...I'm very pleased. I must admit, however, that after seeing all of the amazing work on this board, I just can't help but want to paint a set myself! Someday. ;)

MediaGuyPJ, I just might do that! Thanks for the heads up. The wife is pushing for a shore or upstate trip, but if we end up sticking around I'll definitely stop by! Oh, and from what I've seen on this board, Fett Pride's armor is incredible. I've been watching Pavespawn's progress on this thread...that armor is unreal!
Well, I don't personally have a vest or anything that would indicate approximate size/proportion of the armor in relation to the rest of the costume...not yet anyway. The best I can do is take a few more pictures that include a measuring tape to give you a reference of scale. Let me know if you'd like me to do that and I'll certainly snap a few shots off.

The following image may just do the trick for you though...I actually asked a similar question when I first inquired about the armor and he sent me three images of the armor on top of a vest. This image is one he's used in subsequent eBay auctions that provides a decent indication of size...

I got my chest/collar/shoulder and cod armour from Beetlefix for my Jango and I'm most pleased with it. I decided I wanted it weathered instead of shiny so sent it back to him along with Judz Dwedd bucket, shin, thighs and my StarFortress knees to trim and paint and here's the fesults so far:
Coming along quite nicely I think.
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Pooper said:
I got my chest/collar/shoulder and cod armour from Beetlefix for my Jango and I'm most pleased with it. I decided I wanted it weathered instead of shiny so sent it back to him along with Judz Dwedd bucket, shin, thighs and my StarFortress knees to trim and paint and here's the fesults so far:
Coming along quite nicely I think.

He mentioned he was working on a Jango...I'm glad to hear that you're pleased with his work too! Looks like you're making great progress!
Fett's Reaction said:
He mentioned he was working on a Jango...I'm glad to hear that you're pleased with his work too! Looks like you're making great progress!

I ordered his stuff shiny because that's what the rest of my armour was like but after damaging my helmet and then deciding to upgrade to a JD bucket and leg stuff I thought I may as well get everything weathered.

I was happy with the all silver paint job he did but when I received those pics from him I knew I had made the right choice. He's not showing me the bucket until it's completely finished. Just need to save up for the back plate now.
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