Beacon and Stabilizer sign up list


Active Hunter
Here you go......

Four slot Beacon.....$50.00 usd shipped
Stabilizer...............$30.00 usd shipped

Same price on BOTH sizes.

Combo price for both......$70.00 usd shipped

Please post what size you want
Include your TDH name also when you send the funds

The small beacon and stabilizer will fit 15" jet packs.
The large beacon and stabilizer will fit larger jet packs.

If you don't know what size you have, measure from the OUTSIDE of one side tank to the other.

1. Jango's Kid PAID..........shipped
2. MacFett PAID..........shipped
3. Got Maul PAID..........shipped
4. deadbolt PAID..........shipped
5. slaveR5 PAID..........shipped
6. bobamaker PAID..........shipped
7. bobamaker PAID..........shipped
8. bobamaker PAID..........shipped
9. BOUNTY HAUNTER PAID..........shipped
10. TK172 PAID

1. sithlord23 PAID..........shipped
2. Ripcode PAID..........shipped
3. stonerook PAID..........shipped
4. bigkidbiggertoys PAID..........shipped
5. TD/TB-352 PAID..........shipped
6. tk- 7602 PAID..........shipped
7. Jimmy bufFETT PAID..........shipped
8. pennywise PAID..........shipped
9. caomhanach PAID..........shipped
10. Geo PAID..........shipped
11. xaoslord PAID..........shipped
12. CMAnavy PAID..........shipped
13. Galactic Bounty Hunter PAID..........shipped
14. batninja PAID..........shipped
15. TK 4130 PAID..........shipped
16. attaboy99 PAID..........shipped
17. tk2647 PAID..........shipped
18. shabad PAID..........shipped
19. SaxeCoburg PAID..........shipped
20. BFett333 PAID..........shipped
21. evan4218 PAID (beacon only)..........shipped
22. Bountys HuntedPAID (stabilizer only)..........shipped
23. darthvedder321PAID (beacon only)..........shipped
24. Delta75 PAID..........shipped
25. Spoken for..........shipped
26. Spoken for..........shipped
27. Spoken for.......... MINE :)



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Put me in for a combo set. Though I am not sure what the MLC ver. 2 pack is. I have one coming to me, but I don't have it yet.

Does anyone know? Help!

I'm for sure in for a set though!:)
Great stuff bro..

If it's possible, can you post the measurements of both sets please ? how tall and wide.

Just trying to decide which I want :cheers

Edit: Just went back through your other thread, I'm assuming the beacons are Large- 2.75" tall and Small- 2.50" tall ?

Stilll need Stabalizer measurements though

I'm most likely going with the large set as I have an MLC V1 JP as per suggested on the other thread
Thanks again
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The large stabilizer is 1.125'' tall and the small is 1.063'' tall.
They look WAY to small in your hand but once they are on your jet pack all doubt goes away.
Hey Tim, I Paypalled you a couple of days ago, and I'm not marked as "paid" on your list. I just want to make sure you got my payment.:) Thanks man!
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