BatNinja's Sewing Services - Vest Material Order


Well-Known Hunter
Here is the status thread for those who have contacted me to sew their vest(s). This list is taken from BobaFettish's final list, so let me know if there are any changes to be made.

I'm sewing these as first paid, first sewn. PM me for PayPal information if you have not done so already. I will start sewing as soon as the material arrives!

1. tk7602 - 3 yards – L - PAID 4/18 - SHIPPED 5/31 - RECEIVED
2. john.django - 3 yards – XL - PAID 4/27 - SHIPPED 5/31 - RECEIVED
3. MacRory - 3 yards – L - PAID 4/28 - SHIPPED 5/31 - RECEIVED
4. Indy Solo - 3 yards – L - PAID 4/30 - SHIPPED 5/31 - RECEIVED
5. pennywise - 3 yards - XL - PAID 5/1 - SHIPPED 5/31 - RECEIVED
6. LionsPride - 2.5 yards - M - PAID 5/1 - SHIPPED 6/16 - RECEIVED
7. Gonzo Fett - 2.5 yards - L - PAID 5/1 - SHIPPED 6/16 - RECEIVED
8. BOBA PHAT - 2.5 yards - L - PAID 5/2 - SHIPPED 6/16 - RECEIVED
9. Redgek - 2.5 yards - L - PAID 5/2 - SHIPPED 6/16 - RECEIVED
10. DL44 Blaster - 2.5 yards - L - PAID 5/2 - SHIPPED 6/27 - RECEIVED
11. SaxeCoburg - 2.5 yards – M - PAID 5/2 - SHIPPED 7/6 - RECEIVED
12. kbrosseau - 1.5 yards - M - PAID 5/4 - SHIPPED 7/6 - RECEIVED
13. CMAnavy - 3 yards - XL - PAID 5/4 - SHIPPED 7/13 - RECEIVED
14. stonerook - 3 yards - XL - PAID 5/5 - SHIPPED 7/13 - RECEIVED
15. Ripcode - 3 yards - L - PAID 5/5 - SHIPPED 7/13 - RECEIVED
16. lonerthx - 2.5 yards - M - PAID 5/5 - SHIPPED 7/17
17. darthvedder321 - 2.5 yards - L - PAID 5/6 - SHIPPED 7/17 - RECEIVED
18. ivansith1 - 2.5 yards - M - PAID 6/4 - SHIPPED 7/17
19. Predatormv - 3 yards - L - PAID 7/15 - SHIPPED 7/21 - RECEIVED
20. Galactic Bounty Hunter - 2.5 yards - SHIPPED 7/23
21. DarthVader1 (sent own material) - L - PAID - SHIPPED 7/23

Once you receive them, please let me know!
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woo hoo!

I'm number one! I'm number one!

"I would like to thank all the little people I had to step over to become number one....."


thanks Batninja :cheers
i'm glad i'm low on the list... i ordered it a size down from what i wear now! i'm almost there, so hopefully by the time it comes, i'll have shrunken enough to fit it!

yay for the Dented Helmet Diet.
Hey Batty, I'm #11.... do you have a ball-park figure of when mine will be done? Month, 2 months, 6 months, year? Just wondering. Thanks
I hope to be able to complete 3-5 vests a week. Believe me, I want my dining room table back, so I'm going to work as hard as I can to have this project wrapped up in about 6 weeks.
PM sent for Paypal info. Can't wait to acquire one of these top notch vests! Thanks again for offering your talented services to the rest of us non-opposable thumbed, sewing challenged Fetts!:cheers
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