BatNinja ROTJ Ammo Belts!


Well-Known Hunter
As I’ve received several requests to offer these again, I’m starting another run of my ROTJ ammo belts! This will be a limited run of ten belts.

The pouches are made of Balsa wood blocks covered in dark brown vinyl. These new pouch flaps are stitched with heavy-duty upholstery thread, giving the belt a more realistic look. I’ve also corrected the flap corner cut to be more movie-accurate. The pouch dimensions are approximately 3 ¼”(H) x 1 ½”(W) x 1 ½”(D).

The 2 ½” vinyl belt is approximately 54” long, features ‘antiqued’ brass grommets and is now lined with stiff interfacing, making the belt solid and more durable than those I’ve made in the past.

To accommodate for sizing, I only sew Velcro to one end of the belt, and provide extra Velcro for the wearer, so that proper fit can be achieved.

NOTE: I am not very knowledgeable about the ESB ammo belt, which is why I don’t sell or market them. However, these pouches are not permanently affixed, so the wearer can arrange them on the belt as preferred for the ESB look. I recommend buying brown thumbtacks to use as ‘snaps’ on the appropriate pouches.

The price is $75.00 USD per belt. At this time, I only accept PayPal.


1. mandalore697 - PAID - SHIPPED 9/16
2. TheDentedOne - PAID - SHIPPED 9/16 - RECEIVED
3. Cerillo - PAID - SHIPPED 9/16 - RECEIVED
4. Ripcode - PAID - SHIPPED 9/16 - RECEIVED
5. pulse cannon - PAID - SHIPPED 9/20 - RECEIVED
6. Gator - PAID - SHIPPED 9/25
8. Obi-Wan-Shinobi - PAID - READY TO SHIP
9. Devilstar2k2 - PAID - READY TO SHIP





Please PM me for payment info and let me know if you have any questions!
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The real deal, last I heard, was made of white vinyl, painted brown. There is some evidence of this in the MoM pictures.
I have seen one of these up close in person... they ROCK. If your thinking of upgrading your belt or getting your first there is no better. Jump on this like a... err (cant think of a board appropriate analogy) :)
Most of the vinyl is cut and prepped, and I'm headed to evan4218's house tomorrow to cut the blocks. I hope to have the first few out the door on Monday!
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