Attaching a visor?


Active Hunter
Hi guys,

This has probably been asked a million times, but how do you attach a visor to the helmet?

I have seen a photo of what looked like rivets holding it in place?

My helmet arrived today and it looks like the "T" is not straight so i was hoping that the visor will square it up once its installed but as its going to be under a bit of pressure, i need to fix it securly.

Any suggestions?
No offense but it has been asked a million times. Normally I don't do this because I think its a bit obnoxious but seriously... if you use the search tool you'll come up with a ton of threads discussing this.

Sorry to sound rude but this is something you can easily find with the search. :)
Here ya go man!
Hot glue it in to place first.Then just A plain jain silicone.2 part epoxy is great,but be carefull/very carefull. That stuff is so thin if you use to much,it will seep out the mandable A screw up everything.Trust me I know..... Then you get to start all over.
Sorry webchief,
I posted last night when i was tried, forgot about the search facility, i havent used it before. :thumbsup:
webchief said:
No offense but it has been asked a million times. Normally I don't do this because I think its a bit obnoxious but seriously... if you use the search tool you'll come up with a ton of threads discussing this.

Sorry to sound rude but this is something you can easily find with the search. :)
No biggie man...normally I HATE seeing people post that automatic response to new folk's questions. This one was one of those rare times that I did it. No apologies needed man, I know how it is.
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