ASOK CC GMH paint up in ESB (attempt number one) :)

Well, good evening fellow fettaholics. I have been working steadily on a suit, and have also done some on the helmet. I figured it was time to start a thread. I hope you all enjoy watching me stumble through this thing!

For starters I have a CC GMH bought from ASOK earlier this year. These things are great! I trimmed it all up and cut it out for starters.

Don't forget your personal protective equipment!

I next filled in the PP helmet damage and added the ESB damage, and then sanded it smooth. For this process I use squadron (?) filling paste. It is for model building. Thanks to Raf for the assist!


Left Mandible:



Right Mandible:


Hmm, excuse the pictures, they are rotated normal on my computer, and I am no longer allowed to use Tapatalk to upload pics (which was WAAAAY easier). I have primered the helmet, and have begun on the back panels. I am going to do a layering of Silver 11 Humbrol, Floquil Concrete, and then the green (a mix from Jayvee's thread). I will then topically apply the dark grey, light grey, and other details.



I then masked the silver damage off, not focusing 100% on details yet. I did this using Raf's stencils for visual aid only. This full paintup will be by hand.


I then did a few coats of the concrete:

Well, did a little more work today. Peeled the masking off, and this was the result :)



Took a hint from TF and used a white pencil to freehand the masking for the green.



I then masked it.



And painted it :).


Thanks! I am pleased, but I am a little disappointed with the green. Too much green, not enough blue. Might have to adjust my mix and do a second coat.

Kevin, hmm, maybe but not by much. Based on that picture I would say yes but it looks to me like an artificial light source so it may be correct but just look incorrect. If you are using Jayvee's thread as a guide and therefore the (slightly) modified Terminal Fettler Paint list then so long as you mixed (as I recall) Green 76 and Blue 96 together in a 1:1 ratio then it shold be correct. Have you seen it in daylight?
Kevin, looks pretty good to me. Compared it side by side to my own WIP and I think we have pretty much the same colour and I'm using the TF colour list too.

It does look better to me in the daylight, but I will have it known I used 3 parts blue to 2 parts green. (The colors you mentioned). I also think it is still slightly too green for my taste, and will compare it to the reference pics a bit more. If I think it's good, I will strip the masking :)

I use humbrol maskol. It is already tinted.


Other people I know use just a touch of good coloring or water color. And even others (SuperJedi) use nothing. You can see it in his posts. Up to you!

Good news! I unmasked the helmet. It looks pretty **** good for doing it by hand and not stenciling!



Next came hand painting the light gray (147).



Hopefully tomorrow I will get to the darker grey (106)!

Kevin, I think the colours are right but in my opinion these area look a little too big. I understand the difficulty of working without stencils as my printer has broken so I've been working by eye too for a while........... but just my opinion.
I agree with ya. It won't be perfect, but that's ok. I can be happy with that. I unfortunately do not have the skills that some of the guys on here do. This will be my first time painting anything, and I am just trying to learn. Maybe I will rest tempt it later on an FPH2 for more accuracy. Thanks for pointing it out though!
Did you freehand the liquid mask? Or did you draw on the damage then liquid mask? For the rest of the helmet try and go smaller then you think compensate for your natural tendency to make the damage larger then it should be...and really the silver doesnt look bad its the tan areas that are too big or green to small...
Ok. After several nights pondering my back panels over beers I have decided to sand back down to primer and restart. The concrete is far too big. I needed a few days to mourn and put all those hours in the ground before manning up, grabbing my cajones, and deciding to start over. Expect it to be quiet over the next few days as I reattempt what was already done. I will take pics once caught back up and continue the thread :)
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