Armor Weathering: Need Opinions

Jimmy BufFETT

Well-Known Hunter
Howdy fellers!

I am currently weathering my armor, but I haven't seen too many threads going into detail about it. So I thought I'd ask for some opinions:

Is there something I can do differently to make it look better? Different color? Different thickness? Too dirty? Too clean?

I'm open to suggestions.
Arturo is the king of weathering Jango armor so he probably has the best advice, but I'll try to help with what I can.

I think it looks too thick and too light brown/orange. Go with a darker color and lighter layers. Also, you want a "dabbing" effect while that looks more like a "smearing" effect.
I'm not a Jango expert, but looks like a bit too much rust there. I agree that Seeker would prolly give the best advice for weathering.
Yep - I think seeker couldp probably help out.

When i get home ill let you know which colors to use.

But for now i think you use some windex and dabb and remove some of it.
here are the pics. I mainly use acrylic paints for my weathering. I'll use black, Raw Umber, and Burn Sienna. mix those colors in here and there. dont worry about being too much. use windex to remove it by dabbing.

i went crazy on pics.








Man, I never tire of looking at Seeker's suit. Beautiful man! I LOVE your display too... I wish I could display my Boba this way when I'm not wearing it. The wife would SO not allow it in the house! :lol:
Seeker did an absolutely AWESOME JOB of weathering!

Jimmy BufFETT, here's my two cents worth on weathering.

I would take a look around you at things that are dented and worn. Generally speaking, high spots get the paint rubbed off or scratched, low spots accumulate grime and dirt.

One thing I would suggest is to "weather" the clothing as well as the armor. I think scratched, damaged, dirty, lived-in armor looks odd if the soft parts are pristine and laundry fresh instead of being a frayed, wrinkled and a little dirty. How much sense does that make? :confused I wouldn't go overboard and soak the jumpsuit in a puddle of red mud, but I would give it a good broken-in look complete with stains. I have taken parts of a costume and rubbed them lightly on brick walls and concrete to get some realistic looking wear and tear.

I think of the film Saving Private Ryan and how those guys looked. I mean really, there are a lot of times soldiers, be they Mandalorians or humans, have to go several days in the same clothes. Hey, no matter where you go in the universe, things get dirty. :)

Keep up the good work and plz post pix!
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