armor update pix.


Active Hunter
I have gotten a bit more done this week.

I got the armor on the vest.

I used the velcro, and did not like the gaps. So I got the high power magnets and epoxyed it to the armor. then stuck the magnet on the vest.

a very good way to go. Plus it is prob. good for your health. :)

It looks so much better.

I am working on bondoing the Cod and the neck and back armor right now. Once I get that done then I will dirty up the armor and vest.

Then it is the Helmets turn. and lastly I will work on the guns.

My mom finished sewing the suit last night also.

What do you guys think.


I think its looking great!
Gonna need to tone down the colour on the jumpsuit maybe?...
maybe just some real heavy washing and weathering...
But I cant wait to see the rest.
Great stuff!


Master-Jedi-Allma wrote:

I think its looking great!
Gonna need to tone down the colour on the jumpsuit maybe?...
maybe just some real heavy washing and weathering...
But I cant wait to see the rest.
Great stuff!


Thanks. I know it is bright blue. I will try the color remover and then let it hang up in the window for a while.
Awesome, you did the magnets huh? What size/shape did you get? I am always afraid I will glue the armor on crooked or something with velcro you can move it around, once you snap or do this method there is zero leeway.
I used these little round magnets that were about 1/2" across. They are super magnets. They can barely be pulled apart.

I glued them to the armor in all the corners. with epoxy.

i used some velco in the middle to hold it in place.

Then I just stuck the magnets to the back of the vest and it is going no where.

They are unbelievably strong.
After the 2 months if took me painstakingly I might add to get all the weathering right on my Boba armor?

Ok truth time, the only reason it took 2 months is because I've been lazy. The armor is 90% done though.
Yes the ones that I got are real close to the size of the forth one down. Excpet they are round. I like the price of those on the web page. Mine were like 3.00/6 magnets. I need to buy about 36 more.
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