Hey all... From the maker =)
Made of: 1/8th of an inch white sintra.
Thing under the chest armor: Butt plate.
Size of thing under chest armor (Aforementioned Butt Plate): About right. Meant to ride slightly low on the hips, like a kidney guard (think boxing ring)... From what I can tell from ref. pics, this is the purpose and placing of the butt plate.
Cod peice and knees: I do not believe that sintra can be accurately moulded and shaped to create these pieces. Absolutely NO OFFENSE meant to people who wear cod peices and kneepads made of sintra! The issue that I have with sintra + the cod piece and knees is that sintra does not bend well on two axis. It is hard to make the appropriate "bowl" look... I suppose it could be done, but it would take a mould to press the sintra into and a lot of time.
My creation parter and I could not make the moulds needed for these peices and create the knees and cod peice without spending a lot of time and effort, thus making the armor more expensive than anyone could buy. We also agreed that selling sintra with an extra layer of sintra on top to artificially create the desired look was unprofessional and a ripoff to the buyer.
Anyway... sorry for rambling, I just wanted to be clear on this point =)
Anyone looking for a set of this armor (we made a limited run) ought to look on ebay...