another jumpsuit


Sr Hunter
i just finished it, and i'm already picking apart things i don't like. i know there will be a version 2 soon enough, but this one should get me going at least


the 1/2 sleeves should be a bit tighter, and the pockets aren't quite right, but like i said, it should get me going. the sleeves aren't really as wacky as they look in the pic - it's just hanging a bit funny.

i started off with a light tan fabric, and gave it a quick bath in some grey dye. i also dyed extra fabric in case i need it for anything.

the cape is made from a shelter half from the local army surpluss place.
Brian, the jumpsuit looks really great!
Looks like you've decided on which Fett you are doing :lol: .

One thing that I've found building my Fett is that you have to make each piece and expect it to not be perfect. I figure that once I have a complete costume, then the upgrades begin to make it "perfect".
Figure on upgrading for a looooong time there Chris. Heh Heh Heh (evil laughter). Its never done.

Brian, suit looks pretty good but its hard to tell from the pic. Any way you can spread it out more and take another pic?
webchief said:
Figure on upgrading for a looooong time there Chris. Heh Heh Heh (evil laughter). Its never done.

Brian, suit looks pretty good but its hard to tell from the pic. Any way you can spread it out more and take another pic?

yeah... i was pretty sick of looking at it at that point. i don't like the 1/2 sleeves, and am debating taking it apart to fix them ;)
I suggest wait untill you can wear some more, like the knees, boots, ankle spats and some belts, that will pull the suit together quit well.

My crotch of the suit almost hangs on my knees without the rest (cod piece and strap etc).... sjees that sounds soooo wrong... anyways... I think you know what I mean.

in the upper pics you can see it looks stupid without the rest actually...

but it fits fine with some belts etc (lower pics)
I was thinking the same thing actually. My jumpsuit looks kinda loose and sloppy too until you start to put everything else on top. Some of the other stuff is so tight I feel like I'm in an iron lung or something.
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