Well-Known Hunter
Has anyone successfully completed some Jango Armor in aluminum? Here's what I've got so far after a long day of work and 3 cod pieces later. I put the parts from my Boba armor in to fill the gaps. I will have to redo the chest parts because I didn't realize that the Jango chest armor is different. Doh!
Now, obviously, these have not been finished with a grain or anything. That will come later.
The inside of the cod piece. She aint pretty but she'll do.
Here is the side view of the cod piece. I think it could've used a bit more "cupping" action but it will do for now.
Now, obviously, these have not been finished with a grain or anything. That will come later.
The inside of the cod piece. She aint pretty but she'll do.
Here is the side view of the cod piece. I think it could've used a bit more "cupping" action but it will do for now.