Aluminum Jango Armor....


Well-Known Hunter
Has anyone successfully completed some Jango Armor in aluminum? Here's what I've got so far after a long day of work and 3 cod pieces later. I put the parts from my Boba armor in to fill the gaps. I will have to redo the chest parts because I didn't realize that the Jango chest armor is different. Doh!

Now, obviously, these have not been finished with a grain or anything. That will come later.

The inside of the cod piece. She aint pretty but she'll do.

Here is the side view of the cod piece. I think it could've used a bit more "cupping" action but it will do for now.
LOL. I finished my Boba although there are a ton of improvements to be made. There are a couple Bobas here in the SOcal area so I want a back up costume.
Nice work! All of my armor except the Gauntlets and Pack are Metal. I did all the Armor myself. I'm very impressed with the cod armor you did. Now your going to make me re-do mine.....very nice.
Thats some pretty nice stuff. I made some out of 1/4th inch thick aluminum but it was a little heavy. I use all the stuff I've made for paintball.
Clone #8675309 said:
Thats some pretty nice stuff. I made some out of 1/4th inch thick aluminum but it was a little heavy. I use all the stuff I've made for paintball.
Paintball? Now these would be some pictured I would LOVE to see! BTW welcome to TDH!
Here is a better picture of the armor so far. The knees and instep armor are in the works. The gauntlets will be plastic....for now. I am getting a BKBT helmet that will be nickel plated and then painted.
I think I made the back plate like the Boba plate instead of Jango. OOps. Too late for now. I'm outta time. I still have to sand, polish and grain the armor.
No the backplate looks like Jango to me Boba's is shaped different and has the raised neck in the back

and that is awesome...!!
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