Alum. J/P thruster caps


Active Hunter
I'm checking the waters to see if anyone is intrested in adding some more aluminum parts to their suit.

These were another members idea (chime in if you want ;)) and I thought it was a dang good one.
I know he is down for a set but I was wondering if anyone else would like to jump in on these.

All you need to do is cut off the old ones on your thrusters, dremel the hole out nice and epoxy them in.

$30.00 shipped if your interested.

The diameter is .835

List so far...
1. Galactic Bounty Hunter.....PAID
2. deadbolt.....PAID
3. Ripcode.....PAID
4. Cerillo.....PAID
5. TK-2177.....PAID
6. SlaveR5.....PAID
7. bobamaker.....PAID
8. TK172.....PAID
9. Got Maul.....PAID
10. Matrix.....PAID





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Interesting, Very Interesting! Although with that said, I wonder if this topic can be massaged a bit more by asking if there's a way of also machining the jet pack adjustment tool cross hairs?


Did you ever think about making that small metal part above the darts on the right gaunt? It might be kind of difficult, since it's kinda' oval in shape.

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Not my idea 8) was TK-???? :lol:

Cross hairs, hmmmm

Thanks Tim. I am down for a bit, but I have a Legion of members helping me out of a rough time.
I don't want to take too much time here to cry the blues, but I have been hit with a lot of bad luck lately. However, I will be back 100% soon. I was recently diagnosed with an aggressive skin cancer, and had my 2nd successful surgery this past Monday. The Doc said it's looking good and to remain positive! Other issues hit at the same time, but I will tackle each thing one at a time.
As for the thruster caps, mine had been busted off at an event, and after seeing what Tim can do with aluminum, this idea hit me right in the face.
I gotta say Tim, you took this and ran with it, and as usual... Awesome!!!! Thanks bro!:cheers

I was going to sell my suit, but was nearly lynch mobbed by my garrison when they found out, and many of them pointed out the "short term fix" and "long term regret" so I will keep my suit, and with that said, I would love a set of the thruster caps!:thumbsup:
To those members of TDH who offered support.....

I will start up a list later today for the caps.

The other stuff that you all have mentioned, I will have a go at ALL of it :thumbsup:.
Give me some time :).

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