ABS shaping question

Jedi Bob

Well-Known Hunter
I have a set of ABS Trooper armor (FX) and when putting the thigh together I noticed that the lower part of the thigh is way to wide. It makes the thigh armor look boxy.

Is there a way of heating the ABS up taper the thigh so it is more form fitting?

I appreciate any help from those ABS experts out there.:)
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I did size it and mark it to trim, but in doing so, alot is overlapped and will need to get cut off. This puts alot of pressure do to the now oval (rather than round) shape at the knee and I am afraid velcro will not hold. I was thinking of ABS cementing the thigh closed and just slipping them on.

What type of heat gun should I use?
Jedi-Bob said:
I did size it and mark it to trim, but in doing so, alot is overlapped and will need to get cut off. This puts alot of pressure do to the now oval (rather than round) shape at the knee and I am afraid velcro will not hold. I was thinking of ABS cementing the thigh closed and just slipping them on.

What type of heat gun should I use?

I honestly didn't know there were different kinds. I just borrowed a friend's to use whenver I needed it.

As for my TK thigh pieces, I ABS cemented the fronts closed and only velcroed the backs.
I plan on glueing the front as well. But the way the backs are, the pressure from overlapping it will NEVER hold with the velcro. Soeone remmended a quick dip in near-boiling water the make it flexible.
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