? about dye (jumpsuit, neckseal, gloves)


Active Hunter
OK… I’ve got acouple of questions. Now maybe I’ve been staring at too many reference photos for too long or maybe I’m over analyzing everything on the costume… but here’s the deal…

We know the Boba costumes started off white in color, than later they were painted and dyed as needed.

We also know that the padded neck-seal is attached to the jumpsuit (that’s why it closes in the front)

But if that was the case, how/ why are they different colors? The jumpsuit being bluish grey and the neck-seal being off white. This applies for the gloves also, the main body is dyed and the padded backs are not.

So what’s the scoop? Were these items cut apart, dyed and then resewn?

Another thing that’s interesting is the pre-pro gloves… they appear to have been completely (including military patches) dyed all at once and the different fabric types absorbed different amounts of the dye, giving a two-tone effect.
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It may not be correct, but my opinion is that it's the same jumpsuit(s) in both ESB and ROTJ. I remember seeing some close-ups from the exhibits where you can see the blue-grey jumpsuit material under the shoulder and other hidden areas. It makes sense that the jumpsuit got rather sun-bleached over the years with filming and such. Same for the gloves.

As for the neckseal, I've only seen it attached on the pre-pro suit, unless someone has better pics of the later suits. In either case, the material for the neckseal is synthetic, and probably wouldn't take dye very well.

Again, my opinions.
It may not be correct, but my opinion is that it's the same jumpsuit(s) in both ESB and ROTJ. I remember seeing some close-ups from the exhibits where you can see the blue-grey jumpsuit material under the shoulder and other hidden areas. It makes sense that the jumpsuit got rather sun-bleached over the years with filming and such. Same for the gloves.


I definately agree with that!! I can even tell that my own jumsuit contiues to get lighter & less blue as time goes on. I have to redye it every so often.
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