A so-called 96?!? You be the judge

That's the pic of the rubbermask i believe. Its' probably the 96 version of the rubbermask, not the standard version.
I asked to the seller about the inscription of the backside (the typical of Don Post´s helmets), although the painted dent was so suspicious, and says that he don´t know because the helmet has not been removed from his packaging, but that it is listed has a 1996 copyrighted helmet...so more suspicious now. Be careful!
That is one of the old Rubie's helmets. It is not the Don Post version or the repackaged DP's being sold by Rubies now. Stay away from this bad, bad helmet. You can find much better offerings for not much more.
His feedback is now private too. That helmet looks an awful like the PoS i got stuck with that my daughter will no longer play with because she doesn't want to be flat fett.

Hard latex is also used to describe it... that sounds like a huge no-no.
"I asked to the seller about the inscription of the backside (the typical of Don Post´s helmets), although the painted dent was so suspicious, and says that he don´t know because the helmet has not been removed from his packaging, but that it is listed has a 1996 copyrighted helmet...so more suspicious now. Be careful!"

I've seen this seller. They are a Rubie's distributer. Everything they sell is Rubie's. To not know who makes the mask is a downright lie!! Probably the cause of negative feedback.
yes beware of these. he describes them as the vynil helmets i had a friend think he was getting a good deal, but was very dissapointed instead. also there is another dealer who is selling 96 helmets but they are actually 97's in a 96 copyrite box. so be careful what you buy and read the decriptions carefully and use good judgement. email seller if needed
the sad thing is that the new rubies helmet isnt much better than the poor quality old "mask"
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