I'm going to paint my MSH soon, its going to be the ROTJ version now and no, i've not gone mad and i'm not looking for an easy way out of finishing the helmet, its just that i'm getting the new MSH2, so i plan to make that one the ESB version.
What i want to know is, is the silver on the ROTJ helmet painted on first (before the green)?
It looks to me like the large areas of silver are the helmets base coat that have been masked off before painting the greens on top, then smaller silver marks have been painted on top of the green with a brush. The silver that i think has been painted on top of the green looks a different shade of silver to the large areas too.
What do you think?
What i want to know is, is the silver on the ROTJ helmet painted on first (before the green)?
It looks to me like the large areas of silver are the helmets base coat that have been masked off before painting the greens on top, then smaller silver marks have been painted on top of the green with a brush. The silver that i think has been painted on top of the green looks a different shade of silver to the large areas too.
What do you think?